Reddit 'quarantines' white supremacist, incel, holocaust denier, and other gross subreddits

I do it for the expose.

Of course it gets a bit complicated when when one assumes that LBGQT rights were intrinsically part of the Left. The Soviet Union was if anything more homophobic than the West. We see this today in modern Russia, its successor state, one that is becoming more and more like the old regime under Putin, a former KGB hack.

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What is your point though? Are you seriously claiming that Stalin acted in collusion with McCarthy? Yes, that makes for a good conspiracy thriller (The Manchurian Candidate – the original of course), but not one that is actually historically supported.

Are you seriously taking that away from what I said? Seriously?

Come on, man, you’re better than that.

But if you’re not, my point is that HUAC members and McCarthy were not, as you claimed, concerned about about Stalin’s anti-Semetic campaign that was happening (pay attention) concurrently but not co-operatively with their blacklist. It was not a factor in their thinking about Hollywood (unless they themselves were anti-Semites, which several were).

11 other people got that. I’ve seen enough of your comments to know that your reading comprehension level and ability to click links is equal to theirs.


If you are talking about reading comprehension, let’s start with your assertion that I claimed that McCarthy was concerned about Stalin’s anti-Semitic campaign, which I certainly didn’t. You are the one who brought up McCarthy, for reasons that are still unclear. Also, while they are often conflated, McCarthy and the Blacklist were unrelated. McCarthy was concerned about supposed spies in the State Department, of which he claimed to have a list. Hollywood wasn’t his concern.

McCarthyism has been the term for the sort of witch hunt for communists (and other “subversives”) which the Blacklist was part of. True, McCarthy wasn’t directly involved in the Blacklist, but he did provide inspiration.


I was covering the larger issue of the Communist witch hunts, most identified with McCarthy (and which had nothing to do with opposing Stalin’s anti-Semitism*).

I guess you’re not better than that. It’s clear you’re stretching to the point of bad faith in order to put a positive spin on what most Americans consider a dark period in our history, so I’m done with you.

[* something you brought up in connection with the discussion]


My point is that conflating McCarthyism with the Hollywood Blacklist unhelpful because it is essentially the same error that people make when claiming that Reddit or Twitter are inferering with free speech when they ban or constrain people on their platforms. What private industry does is not the same thing as what politicians do and not subject to the same legal issues. I also think (especially having relatives who suffered and died under puppet regimes created by Stalin) that it is important not to romanticize Western Communists who aided and abetted Stalin’s reign just as Western Fascists aided Hitler.

No, it isn’t similar at all, nor did you make that comparison initially. The Hollywood blacklist is one aspect of what is now known as McCarthyism. And you only brought it up to make a bogus defense of it.

No one here is arguing otherwise. I made a comment supporting @tobinl’s original point about the First Amendment, one which wasn’t your main concern as much as sharing your opinion that…

Which no-one here was doing.* We were pointing out that Stalinists were not the majority of those targeted by the Hollywood blacklist (nor by the broader McCarthyist witch hunt).

You claimed it was “a bit weird how even today the Hollywood Blacklist is made out to be a horrible tragedy.” We provided evidence to the contrary and you tried to weasel your way out of acknowledging it and failed.

[* and which the lefty edgelords in the quarantined subreddit weren’t really doing, either.]


Well, I think this is a step in the right direction, one of at least two Reddit has taken recently and I say good for them. Still a lot more they need to do, but this is what progress looks like.


I’ll just say that the callers to a radio call-in show decide what they want to say, but ultimately it’s still the radio station that’s the platform publisher, whether they pre-vet their content or let it stream from an open hose.

Sure the FCC polices content, but it doesn’t enable it, preserve it, or host it. Publishing is “ensuring that content is made public”, which is the central role of a radio station, book publisher, or, in this case, Reddit.



What about Henry hay and the Mattachine society? Came straight out of the left.

it’s historically inaccurate to assume that the left in the US were all just puppets of Stalin.


Also, a lot of of the early fight for LGBT+ rights came from the revolutionary left, which many liberal and conservative LGBT people first opposed though fear and cowardice then claimed as their own victory when the fight had been won. Groups like the Gay Liberation Front, Lavender Menace and Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries were socialist organisations, even though not all their members were.




Exactly. Everyone knows the real high-quality memes and shitposts are at /r/inthesoulstone, where only the chosen children of Thanos may post after having been snap-banned from the subreddit you mention.

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