Reddit's Trumpkins on the Vegas shooting, before and after they learned it was a rich old white man

Good show!

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How do these people live with themselves? Living a life where everything that contradicts with your worldview is conveniently part of a big conspiracy sounds easy- you never have to think or question yourself, facts don’t matter, you can twist any event as much as necessary to suit your needs without having to provide any actual evidence… but aren’t self-reflection and empathy a part of human nature, even if they’re overshadowed by rage and fear most of the time? I feel like deep down, these people have to be trying really hard to remain so ignorant and loathsome, and it must be exhausting. Unless they’re sociopaths, part of them must know how absolutely reprehensible they’re being… and if they are sociopaths, how the hell did we end up with a third of the country composed of them?



Unless you prefer to let them set the societal narrative. Which has been the embarassing tendency of the left over the past few decades. Maybe if we no longer have any ground left to give up, we’ll get properly started again. Nobody said it would be a glamorous job, changing others’ intellectual dirty diapers.


add 5. Is it likely that exactly the opposite of what should be done will happen? IE. Gun laws to be loosened.
Which is exactly what David Frum just pointed out in his latest article.

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startled mole persons …

a.k.a. Morlocks

mole persons, or “mersons”

it sounds like this thread needs some žižek :smirk:




Mug at me all you like, but the lefts indignation at actively engaging in public discourse outside of academia has pretty much surrendered most of the country to “these people”. The little media-reenforced bubbles they exist in no longer contain our social reality, because we collectively retreated instead of being relevant. If you can’t educate these exact Reddit assholes, then start a neighborhood school and educate their kids. Resenting ignorant masses for existing and being ignorant doesn’t have much of a future in it.

The “dirty diapers” remark is spot-on. These people are our own parents and siblings, our own children. It is a thankless task to try fighting for a better life when people have those kinds of attitudes, but they also demonstrate why emancipation is needed so badly. Those people - who probably want me dead - are my deranged children, and they need whatever clue I can give them.



“Disguised as Arab workmen and as hotel waiters, members of the Irgun planted a bomb in the basement of the main building of the hotel”

Not really supposed to have a dialog with them. They don’t want that at least. They keep saying they do, but that’s just so reasonable people who aren’t properly informed mistake these crazy jackwagons for reasonable people.


I wonder if this guy could be a fantasist. I am reminded of the Mosman Bomb Hoax where a man planned an overly complicated crime, getting caught in the process. I think the crime started with an exciting idea. As you get older you start to think well is anything going to happen with my life? The Vegas shooting was also overly complicated, with lots of interesting guns and CCTV devices. It seems to have started as an idea, which was improved over time.

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There’s plenty I’m afraid.

I’ve come across quite a few people who appear to genuinely believe that at least some of them just didn’t happen.

Apparently it was all faked by the government to justify more anti-terror laws/lock us all up/feed us to the Lizard People/keep the Jews in charge/make Boris PM/stop Brexit/bring about Brexit/whatever…

You just need to google.

Youtube is full of videos only too keen to tell you all about how the Borough Market attack was a hoax, as was London Bridge, the Manchester Arena bombing, etc., etc.

Sadly, while the US does seem to have a high proportion of very vocal nutters and you give them increasing amounts of respectability, the US is not uniquely full of nutters.

The rest of the world has plenty.


I think most people, left unmolested, could easily get to 4 on their own (as tends to happen in other countries).

The question is whether, before you can get to the end of question 2, someone runs up to you, smacks the card out of your hand, and screams in your face that Hillary is about to put you in a concentration camp and you need to panic RIGHT NOW!

Politics isn’t about drawing conclusions from respectful Socratic dialog, it’s a competition to distract people from your opponent’s arguments. Or at least it is when the modern right is involved.


A fractal false flag sewn together out of lots of little false flags.


65,844,954 people voted against Trump - every single one of them is a tenured professor.



“The Left = academia” is itself a conservative smear. Liberals don’t count. Liberals don’t live in the real world. Liberals don’t contribute to making real people’s lives better. Liberals don’t have practical skills and knowledge. Liberals live in a bubble. Liberals only understand theories. Liberals are elite. Liberals are snobs. Liberals think their role is to instruct lesser people. Liberals think they know best.


You’d think that there would be more than enough anti-intellectual populist rhetoric on his supporters’ side, but it seems that some of his opponents think more is needed.

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And all 63 million Trump voters are open to all ideas and very welcoming to new opinions, and the 91 million that didn’t vote all did it to make a silent stand against neolibralism.