Originally published at: Remote, Oregon may soon have the best job market in the United States | Boing Boing
The locals will no doubt welcome the added attention. Or not…
For similar reasons the job boards are full of opportunity for the out-of-work “ninja”.
Just checked the map, and that is indeed pretty feckin’ remote
I worked a remote job before. I still had to show up at 7am like any other job, but this one was a particularly long drive with nothing but the cows to greet me each morning.
Beautiful. I’m sold.
As a bonus, when you need to walk across Sandy Creek you’ll have an option to stay dry in the rain!
For those looking on google street view, the building shown in the OP is on Remote Ln, off the south side of the highway.
Covered bridges are awesome. They also withstand the elements for longer than non covered bridges.
Oddly enough they’ve been trying to recruit a clerk for months but all the applicants assumed they would be allowed to work from off-site.
Yeah, the whole “I’ll work remotely in some god forsaken part of the country/world” is gonna blow sky high in not too long:
As states feel the impact of not being able to collect taxes because you moved to BFE, we’ll see something like the regulations imposed federally in the 19th century when the railroad rose and farmers could sell far away. States with no taxes will see that “advantage” melt away. E-commerce had the same problem/solution. Now you pay taxes for on line purchases.
As Don Ameche said in an old movie… Things change.
That’s prime bigfoot spotting country.
I wonder if Home, KS has the same problem.
I keep seeing jobs listed in OR on linkedin and I wondered why that was.
There is also a town called Boston, NY just South of Buffalo, NY. Lot of cool jobs get listed for that town but the recruiters really want people in Boston or NY.
This is exactly why Oregon recruiters no longer advertise jobs as “Boring”…
One of the local townships here is the very rural Boston, NY… often on sites like Indeed there will be… odd… listings in positions for companies that deal in things like International Finances, or Import/Export or Real-Estate, etc, etc.
My best guess is these are jobs meant for the the Boston, MA market, but entered incorrectly.
Finally! Much better sighting pics. The hundreds tricked into living there are sure to have hi-rez cellphones!
Great fishing, though…
“It’s not in the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from here”
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