Originally published at: Rep. Paul Gosar says a secret government program is trying to smear him as a Nazi | Boing Boing
Why give credit to the bad ol’ Deep State when he’s doing a fine job of it all by himself?
He sure is making it easy for them.
Well gosh, if it bothers him so much I guess we’ll just have to find more opportunities to call him a Nazi. I think I’ll add it to my e-mail sign off.
Sounds exactly like what a Nazi would say.
Well, if it ‘Sieg Heils’ like a Nazi, and it goose-steps like a Nazi…
It’s a duck?
Feckless observation against Horseshoe political theory: …knew more than a couple of far left folks; really far left: “Private property is theft!” “Nationalize all companies!” “Everyone must be forced to serve their community!” etc, and they never covered their faces with masks, never made any effort to hide their identities (at least some years after McCarthyism). Whereas all the neo-fascists, like Paul Gosar, all tend to deny their membership, wave the nazi flag but wear a mask, shout vileness but always conceal their identities in one way or other. Have they no pride in their ghastly notions? One might leap the conclusion that the extreme left has more ‘guts’ than guns.
“Secret government program” is a strange thing for him to call his PR team.
Or at least their health insurance?
Unrelated: Why the hell does a search in gif for Richard Spencer bring up only Bernie???
Looks like a duck to me.
Wait, so all the dumb fascist shit he’s being saying all this time has really been coming from the deep state Soros microchip implanted in his brain? Poor guy! He should have that thing removed…
He can’t-if they remove that much brain tissue he’ll just collapse into a blob. Which was probably the right idea!
I’m surprised that he thinks being called a Nazi is a smear.
I hear Danny DeVeto is actually six foot nine but there’s a secret government program to make him look like a short person.
Passes the “Duck” test.
Probably needs clarification, like “Assholish Nazi”.
Isn’t that the same as “wet water”?