Originally published at: Arizona Rep. Gosar links his House.gov newsletter to Holocaust-denying site | Boing Boing
If the GOP House had a smidgen of sanity, they would censure and/or impeach him (if that’s a thing the House can do). Unfortunately, the current House majority has no ethics.
When a Nazi links to other Nazi sites, don’t soften it with weasel words. They are exactly who they are advertising.
Fixed further.
We should be straight-up executing Neo-Nazis. Instead, it doesn’t even rise to the level of career-ending scandal.
Considering that Gosar’s own family all said “vote for the other person, PLEASE” last year? Not surprising at all.
It blows my mind that people scum like this can make policy decisions that effect all our lives.

called the Holocaust a “lie” and a “hoax” and praised Hitler as a “great man” and “a man of valor.”
There’s always this weird ouroboros logic in play with these guys.
“Hitler was a brave and honorable man and the Holocaust was faked . . . by a sinister cabal of Jews who secretly control the world . . . if only Hitler had some kind of final solution to defeat them once and for all!”
“It never happened, they deserved it and we should do it again.”
Gosar hasn’t earned the benefit of the doubt. He gets caught playing footsie with Nazis over and over and over and over.
Paul Gosar is a Nazi, and he should be treated like a Nazi.

Congressman Paul Gosar (R–AZ) once again aligns himself with Hitler admirers.
‘Once again?’
When did he stop?

a site that …has asked followers to “stand up for Hitler,”
The gallows would be a good place for those bastards to stand.

If the GOP House had a smidgen of sanity, they would censure and/or impeach him
… the technical term is “expel”
They expel their own members
They impeach people in other branches
Gosar was sending readers to a site that has repeatedly posted content that denies the Holocaust and defends Hitler.
I guess it saves Gosar’s team the work of posting this Nazi shit on their own webpage.
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