Replica Enterprise bridge used to sell surveillance to Congress

Because they’re human. People’s ability to estimate their own degree of understanding is known to be flawed. Of course that sword cuts in all directions.

Seriously, if you don’t want random opinions on your comments, this is the wrong place to post comments.

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So I should just let stupidity slide instead of calling it out? Nah. I think I’d rather call out dangerous ideas and opinions, thanks!

Just because people CAN say stupid shit doesn’t mean we should allow for it. Are you new here? It doesn’t work that way around here.

Seriously, if you don’t want random opinions on your comments, this is
the wrong place to post comments.

Seriously, can you point out where I said I didn’t want random opinions on my comments? 'Cuz that’s not what I said. Like, at all.

(especially when the main story here seems to have been the Enterprise room rather than the NSA).

Maybe the main story on BB but not the main story at the far end of the link.

I can’t read the link; I don’t have a subscription to FP.

Somehow, this made me feel better, and it shows at least as much grasp of the spirit of Star Trek as the NSA appears to possess.

I can’t read the link; I don’t have a subscription to FP.

Yeah me neither. Didn’t stop me from reading the article. b u g m e n o t . c o m

commercials for condoms, sexual lubricants, or really anything sexual.
they are always happy, loving, and you gotta kinda parse out what they are selling.

Bu not enough pleasure! Your sex life isn’t really up to par unless you use our products then your world will rock. Look what you’ve been missing out on! Inadequate sexual pleasure!

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If you hit Escape as soon as the article loads, it’ll stop the ridiculous advertising overlay from loading and you can read normally. I imagine something like NoScript would work, too.

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So I should just let stupidity slide instead of calling it out?

Yes, yes you should sometimes. Your life is short and the world is long on stupidity.

Go do something well and the world, your world, will be measurably better.

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