Originally published at: Republicans decide to blame whale strandings on wind farms | Boing Boing
Man, those wind farms must be loud! Even the band Disaster Area didn’t cause temporal disturbances! /s
Apparently the media-savvy whales are reading reports of wind farm developments, and are beaching themselves in protest.
Blow-holes, wind power.
It all adds up.
This one goes deep. Really, really deep.
give the two wheel o’ fortunes a spin (one marked “bad things” and the other “lib-rul things”) tick tick tick tick …tick… …tick… tack: global warming and drag shows! (cuz y’see they’re so hot [hsssst])
Curse those time-traveling wind farms!!
If Republicans were really concerned with noise causing whale strandings then they’d be concerned about Navy sonar and the underwater din caused by all large screw propellers (and that’s ignoring the physical damage caused by collisions with boats and their propellers.)
“If my calculations are correct, when those blade tips hit 88 miles per hour you’re going to see some serious shit!”
Most of what the GOP spouts out are transparent lies, but even by that standard, expecting me to believe they give a shit about whales is a goddam howler.
Republican response to offshore oil wells: “Drill baby drill!”
Republican response to offshore wind farms: “Won’t somebody think of the whales?”
Boy! Wait until those very cautious, science-believing Republicans find out about the well-documented, completely-avoidable harms to people caused by firearms!
At last the Republicans are focusing on something New Englanders can get their harpoons around. While they’re at it I hope they look into this automotive industry fad that has been popping up all over. My buggy whip stock has gone way down lately. /s
If there’s one thing I know about whales it’s that they love clean burning clean coal. Not this pinwheel electro nonsense. /S
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