Residents of The Villiages in Florida discover the joys of internet anonymity


That place has always sounded nightmarish to me. Itā€™s freakinā€™ huge (current population is about 84,000) and is overwhelmingly white (98%) and Republican (68%). Iā€™m just glad I donā€™t have any relatives who have chosen to retire there because I canā€™t see myself making regular visits.


A cut-rate version of NextDoor combined with entitled and affluent elderly white conservatives was never going to have any outcome other than this.


I wonder if they have an interloper living there, or if someone hacked in, because picking on the white crosses specifically is the opposite of Village ā€˜ethicsā€™:


Based on what the cesspool of retired curmudgeons that Nextdoor is here currently. Thatā€™s just awful.

Sooo many angry folks yelling at the sky at once.


That story seems rather apocryphal and ā€œjust-soā€ - people in this part of rural Michigan have all kinds of crap in their yards. Also, people in Michigan place white crosses at the side of the road to mark a location where someone died.


Good point.

I actually have a white cross on the edge of my property, put up by the family, where a teen (a few months past her 16th birthday) was driving her pickup at something like 80mph and crashed into a tree. Fortunately no one else was hurt, but what a sad reminder that teens are not fully adult yet in their ability to make good decisions.

But thatā€™s different than these little white crosses. Theyā€™re not meant to indicate a road death. And as you say, how likely is it that it became such a rallying cry in Frankenmuth, MI that it got transported down to Florida?

This might be the origin of the story:


Many years ago I did a favor for one of my customers and picked up a large boat on a trailer from inside The Villages. My gosh, it was like Fort Knox getting in there and you were watched the entire time. Youā€™re right, itā€™s a virtual city in there and itā€™s not easy getting around. Had to dodge a lot of golf carts.

No way would I ever choose to live in there.


Yes, but:

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