I don’t understand this at all. Why would a family with an immunocompromised child want to eat indoors in a restaurant in Texas? Is take-out so bad that you want to risk your child’s life?
This guy is an arse. His restaurant clearly not a safe place.
And I am aware of the rules about victim-blaming - which is not my intent. These people have done the wider community a service by drawing attention to this arsehole.
But if i had an immuno-suppressed 4-year-old it would not be my masks I was concerned about as much, as everyone else’s. No way would I patronise a restaurant that did not require masks when people are moving about and not sitting at their tables. Was it the only restaurant for miles around and there was nowhere else to get food?
(And I speak as someone who is seriously immuno-suppressed, myself.)
Not entirely no. He can’t ignore OSHA regulations. He can’t NOT pay his employees and must pay them the minimum wage at least. He can’t have a segregated business. He can’t ignore basic health and safety rules. He can’t serve alcohol to minors. He can’t NOT pay taxes. There are a myriad of rules that he can’t violate without running afoul of the law.
And if we had a national mandate on masking with regards to the pandemic, he could not violate that either.
They did not. They went out for a night without the kid, who was 4 months old and immuno-compromised. They were trying not to bring anything back to the baby.
Good to know biology and diseases are now a vector to catch politics.
If you read the story linked to, it sounds like they were out with freinds taking a break from the 4 month old. It sounds like the baby was home but that’s not really clear.
I agree whether the baby was with them or not seems risky.
But the owner is still a jerk.
Marketing sent out a memo saying that it’s now Sparkling Covid®
So who wants to file a complaint or request for inspection with the Rowlett health department? It looks like their last inspection score was an 85 on July 14th according to the Current Food Establishment Reports on that website, down from a 93 on October 28th 2020.
If places can refuse service to people that don’t wear a mask, he is perfectly within his rights to refuse service to people that do.
No signs on the door, so they might not have known going in, but now at least everyone on the internet knows. But, yes, it’s kind of like Van Halen’s brown M&M’s, it’s a sign that they’re not aware there’s a pandemic happening, so it’s just as good to go somewhere else.
what’s funny of course is that most people like this dude don’t respect the request to wear masks at all
it’s not, oh this place requires masks so i’ll wear one. instead it’s, you can’t force me, it’s my freedom to do whatever i want
and really, my understanding is if you’re serving the public you’re not allowed to make arbitrary rules like: “you can only wear the color blue in this restaurant”
you can make your own arbitrary rules when you have a private establishment ( involving specific limited membership ) but not when it’s open to the public. that’s the give and take of a business license
requiring masks is not like requiring everyone wear blue because there is a clear health and safety reason. requiring people not to wear masks however is like requiring the color blue. it’s capricious and arbitrary ( and clearly politically motivated )
I sense a kitchen full of health code violations. Not because of retaliation, but that kind of owner inevitably ignores laws that protect others, often while whining about “interference with their business.”
I don’t know that that’s true. It would depend. I can see an argument that the restaurant is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. There are people who are immune compromised who wore masks when going out even before COVID. There are limits to what businesses can do as far as requirements they can place on customers. And sure, people could just stay home, but why should they have to if as simple a thing as wearing a mask can allow them to go out safely?
“This is political - the owner wants you and your baby dead, to own the libs.”
Their most recent health inspection received a grade of 85/100 which isn’t horrible but certainly indicates some violations. I wouldn’t eat there.
I wonder if the loan officer at the bank that gave him the business loan would consider what he’s doing with that money to be a sound business investment. Could they call in the loan?
Since it’s TX, I doubt any health department is gonna close that place based in it being a center for spreading the virus.
In either case, it’s time to spend your money elsewhere. Eventually, his customers will die out.
I heard the E.Coli is especially fresh this time of year.
Rowlett is NE of Dallas, and mostly located in Dallas county. Part of it is in Rockwall county, to the east.
Dallas county voted ~65% for Biden, while Rockwall county voted ~68% for You Know Who.
Guess which part this sports bar is located…
This is true, as far as it goes, since Czar Abbott has seen fit to prevent localities from enacting common-sense ordinances to help curb the spread of disease.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.
Morally, he doesn’t, anyway. He obviously doesn’t give a damn about the safety of his employees or customers.
He says, unironically.
Here’s a free clue, numbnuts:
How many weeks until the “Owner of Hang Time catches COVID, dies” article?
That’s similar to my (somewhat nihilistic) sentiments concerning people who say “We’re killing the planet!”
What they should really be saying is that our actions threaten all life on Earth.
The planet will ultimately continue its journey through the cosmos no matter if there’s life on it or not.
I have similar disdain for people who say “It’s not in the virus’ best interest to kill all hosts!”
Virii have no sentience. They are not capable of thought.
Virii don’t give a fuck what you think, much like the honey badger.
Also, MRSA motherfucker.
Different organism, but elegant demonstration of what happens when something becomes resistant to all of the weapons you have to fight it because it’s allowed to breed and mutate in a hostile environment that has been critically compromised through neglecting protocol.
Did he get a PPP loan? I bet that if he did, there are certain rules you have to follow. Doesn’t matter. He’ll be out of business in no time. There are only so many repeat customers that will live long enough to keep his business afloat. New customers will be thin on the ground, even for those who don’t believe masks should be worn.