Rev. Terry Anderson passionately supports Kamala Harris for President

Originally published at:


hahaha that was great


This is great and all but we really need to keep politics out of the pulpit in all denominations and affiliations.


Exactly what I came to say. We all need to get behind and support the Harris campaign, but why are we giving churches tax exemptions when they feel free to politicize on the pulpit?




Souls to the Polls.

It matters.

That said, revoking tax exemptions for churches would be my solution for decoupling the corrupting influence of politics from religious institutions in the US.


and decries the convicted felon and white power enabler that is Donald Trump.

I read this line as white powder enabler and immediately thought

Republican National Convention Rnc GIF by PBS News


I understand that there are still Black people supporting MAGA for reasons that are unfathomable to me. I hope some of them see this clip and change their minds.


There is a difference between advocating for policies and rights from the pulpit, and endorsing a specific candidate or party. (which maybe MLK did, I don’t know all of his speeches from churches).

I can’t in good conscience support politicking from the pulpit, just because I agree with the message. There are so many MAGA churches out there it makes me sick.

Of course if they lost their non-profit status then I say go for it.

Though it is a good sign that the congregation was fired up. I hope this momentum continue to builds. Like I said earlier, the smart thing about this late entry is, I think it is less likely to get fatigue from supporting her. I think it will steadily grow.


This is something that thankfully my local congregation has always been good at. I’ve never heard anything overtly political from the pulpit, and every election cycle they read a letter from church leadership that encourages members to be good citizens in their communities by studying and deciding on issues and candidates in the upcoming election, and reaffirming the church’s political neutrality and stating that no party or candidate should be endorsed in any church setting, nor should church information or resources (i.e. list of members in a congregation, etc.) be used for any political purpose, etc.

I hear about other congregations that unfortunately don’t follow this as well, but in the 10 years I’ve lived in my current city and congregation I’ve never seen anything like this happen.


Like everyone else, I really feel they need to not talk about politics with religion as a background…I remember when the church I attend used to complain about Obama’s views on abortion and stuff and I really disliked that. Amusingly, that pastor was later moved to a new parish when it was found he might have been a bit too close to one of the other members of the parochial dais staff.

That said, I am happy to see people speaking about just how racist the GOP and The Tanchurian Candidate are. There’s no reason to vote the GOP into power, and no one who isn’t a blindingly white, straight, hyper-religious, rich man should even consider it because if you’re not all of those things, he considers you worthless…and even if you are all of those you are simply a commodity to be used.

Harris’ campaign has been going hard on calling out stuff, and the “weird” tag seems to be sticking really well. It feels like the Doctor Who “doesn’t she look tired” made real.


I grew up in the Protestant church and like you never heard an overtly political – or even veiled political – sermon to my recollection. While I think it’s fine for pastors to preach on all manner of social issues in the context of the Bible, when they start supporting parties and candidates, that’s a problem. I agree with those who say that churches that take political sides should be taxed – like any other political action committee. But passing and enforcing such laws would be an absolute mess, to put it mildly.


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