Reverse Godwin: KKK darling David Duke says Trump may help improve Hitler's image

Of course not. He simply acted as a catalyst, exploiting the already-existing frustration of the populace and encouraging them to indulge the worst part of their nature, eventually whipping them into a violent, xenophobic, nationalist frenzy under which any atrocity could be justified as long as it was part of “making Germany great again.”


You wrote:

Then you have the BDS people, and Bernie is automatically an Evil Zionist in their eyes, because he’s a Jew that isn’t calling for the unconditional destruction of Israel (and, no, I am not exaggerating).

Every person I’ve met or read who is associated with or supports BDS is very careful to distinguish between their charges against the state of israel and antisemitism. Any group will have occasional outliers, and BDS in general is quick to condemn its own. You still haven’t providing anything that disproves my claim that what you wrote about “the BDS people” is a cartoonish exaggeration.




I’ve heard Trump supporters complain—without irony—that “Hollywood should stay out of politics” while actively supporting a reality TV show host who has a star on the Walk of Fame and is a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Some of them even think he’s the best thing to happen to the Republican party since Reagan.


Yes. In the fucked to death burning pile of caca that was post WWI Germany.

What’s happening here is fundamentally different. Not less threatening. Not less serious.

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How I wish that stupidity willful ignorance was actually physically painful to the people afflicted with it.


All analogies are, by definition, imperfect. Is the rise of Trump exactly like the rise of Hitler? Nah. Are there enough parallels to make some meaningful and disturbing comparisons? Sure.


Personally, I think Mussolini is a more apt comparison, but YMMV.


How many TeraHitlers does it take to make a HellaHitler? I get all confused on those prefixes


The question is how close you have to come before a Hitler comparison is sensible. Personally, I think proposing having a religious minority carry special identification or banning them from entering the country is plenty. Even if there are more exact parallels you can make, for people to hear that and think “whoa, that’s like Hitler” is not a bad thing.


A Wider Bridge is the pro-Israel organization that builds bridges between Israelis and LGBTQ North Americans and allies.

youre being disingenuous this isn’t a Jewish LGBTQ group it’s an explicitly pro israel group who list “israel” at the top of their list of values.


I have never seen a BDS person police their antisemitic extremists, and I’ve gone looking.

Sorry that I wasn’t more specific, but let me put it a different way: they make no distinction between Israeli organizations and non-Israeli but Jewish ones, including having protests outside of college Hillel High Holy Day services.

Whatever, I get it, you’re far more concerned about tracking down rare instances of BDS-related extremism than you are the horrific crimes committed against Palestinians by the state of Israel, and by many of its citizens. I see you.


A cursory googling has told me that bds related protests aginst Hillel include other jewish campus organisations and are about their policy of banning people who support bds and Palestinian independence from membership or speaking engagements and stuff


And I see you “I’m not antisemitic, I’m anti-Zionist!” too.

Doesn’t matter what my actual beliefs are regarding Palestinians (hint: they’re not what you’ve ad hominem’ed), since I’m a Jew that has personally experienced antisemitism from BDS routinely, in ways that consistently fail the 3D test of antisemitism, and have not seen the asserted disavowment of BDS’s antisemitism by its members, I’m, according to you, automatically biased in favor of Israel and callously disinterested in the welfare of Palestinians. (and that’s antisemitic).

Here, let me tell you what BDS actually accomplishes within the Jewish community: they, their actions, and their rhetoric, reinforce the need for and support for Israel, because they show that goyim will not leave us alone and that we cannot trust them. It shows that our children, regardless of their beliefs, will be harassed by goyishe protestors at school, that our academics will be boycotted based on a simple yes/no binary test with no nuance allowed, and so forth, and that we’ll be shut down, just as you have tried to do, if we voice our opinions in any way that deviate from the viewpoint that Israel is illegitimate, a demon upon the nations, and that it must be destroyed.

In what it actually does, as opposed to their claims, BDS does not open any dialogues, it does not open any doors for reconciliation or negotiation, it does not help the Palestinians (often targeting companies that employ them in large numbers, such as SodaStream), it does not do anything other than grant legitimacy to the cultural persecution complex of “Jews versus the world” and “there are two kinds of goyim–open antisemites, and closeted antisemites.” At which point, there’s a feeling of justification in doing the horrible acts by the Israel government and the Israeli voters that support it, in the vein of “might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb.”

Personally, I support a one state inclusive solution, where the Orthodox’s hold on the Rabbinate is broken, and Palestinians get the Right Of Return as well.

But, hey, it’s not like my opinions and experiences matter to you; since I’ve spoken up against BDS and shared my experiences of their antisemitism, I’m, by default, in favor of the persecution of the Palestinians. But this is all according to the script, and I’ve danced this number before.

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What you “shared” was a claim that the BDS movement as a whole is an insidious, or perhaps unwitting, den of antisemitic iniquity. With no acknowledgment that its fundamental stated aims and methods target Israeli state violence, not Israel itself, and certainly not Jewish people. What you’ve thus “shared” is an overall suggestion of your greater concern with finding such iniquity than with far, far greater horrors wrought by Israeli state violence.

Okay, then by all means, do find another partner with whom you can do the Dance of Ironic Victimology. (Been there done that too with the likes of you, also find it repetitious and tiresome.)

Alright. dances away

The BDS Movement Promotes Delegitimization against Israel

Consensus Seen Taking Shape On Boycotts

A Leftist’s Critique of BDS

The Moral Argument Against BDS

What is the Real BDS Endgame? The Elimination of Israel

BDS: An Antisemitic Poison Pill

Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Resource Page

“Given that you are a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community, how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?”

dances out of topic I’m done.

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And to bring things back around to the topic at hand, surely diverting attention from the recognition of, organized discussion of, and action against the horrors inflicted upon Palestinians by the state of Israel, in part by linking to obviously, grossly biased sources, and all for the purpose of ironically donning the mantle of victimhood – surely that constitutes a sort of “reverse Godwin”?