Review: Furiosa, the softer side of revenge

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We have had Mad Max, and Furiosa. Now we need a character for the animated series.

I nominate the name Fumes, with a side kick named Miffed.


Contributed by Natalie Dressed


“the softer side of revenge”

Living well?


Revenge is a dish best served with candlelight, soft music and a forgiving nature. :+1:


Do you want to sit in a darkened room for about two hours and be deafened by the constant drone of internal combustion motors, drowning out all words and sense in favor of a lurid visual spectacle of the fall of civilization to the base desires of those engines? Would you like this endless, pounding noise to be very occasionally punctuated by moments of silence, into which imbecilic caricatures of power and rage pontificate like dusty, disheveled cut-rate Hamlets or King Richards the Thirds, spewing conviction into the uncaring drone of the machines at the end of the world?

Then Furiosa is the film for you. It is blood and thunder. It is sound and fury, a tale of how badass you dream you could be if everything good in this world was stripped from you, and all that kept you going was vengeance. It is not a happy movie. But it is one hell of an amazing spectacle.

5/5. Would spend a couple hours being knocked mute and senseless by its vibrational assault on my body again. I might bring earplugs next time though. It’s loud.


I read that some nitwits have been sending hate mail to the actor who plays Rictus Erectus—the giant dimwitted son of Immortan Joe who wears a codpiece made of baby doll heads—because of the shocking revelation that his character is a pedophile.

Guys, it’s called “acting.” Plus it’s not like that character was supposed to be a role model.


Predictably there’s a whole bunch of whining dudes carrying on about how it’s too woke for them.

I thought Furiosa was great. Maybe a smidge less great than Fury Road, if only because it’s a companion piece to Fury Road. But very good.


Too woke because there’s a strong female lead character?

There are times I’m embarrassed to be a man.


I was pleased to see how much they ported over from the underrated 2015 video game, it shows how much story Miller already had in mind and allowed the developers to use at the time.


Furiosa: The Musical.


Saw it in the theater and loved it, as much as (but for different reasons than) Fury Road.

George Miller is not someone I grew up knowing much of anything about, but his last 3 films are brilliant–and don’t feel like the kind of movie a young director could make.


Saw it in Imax, my first time ever going.

It was fine.

Not great as prequels often tend not to be… just acceptable, if a tad bit too long.

(The Vulvalini were the best part for me.)

I am super glad I bought the matinée tix, though.


Word is that it suffered badly from corporate interference.


The world building in this one was nuts, in the best possible way. Great companion piece to Fury Road.


ehm, no? fury road was the only one shot in namibia (and not because miller wanted to film there), every other film of the franchise was shot on location in australia, as was furiosa.

…Namibia, with it’s world record dunes and blazing red sands

oh, like for instance in australias simpson desert?


Yeah, i was aware of that and it’s a shame because it had such potential to be spectacular. Though i still think it’s underrated, the atmosphere of the wasteland was spot on and i got a lot out of the photo mode after completing the game.

I’d love to see the look on the nitwits’ faces if Nathan Jones turned up at their homes to talk to them about their letters.

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Not to take the side of the haters; dude’s body looked much less fit than that in the prequel, it was weird.

Immortan Joe was also less significantly menacing as a villain in Furiosa, unfortunately. Chris Hemsworth chewed the scenery, but was still not enough to make up for the deficit, IMO.


This pretty much voices my thoughts on the picture, hits on the reasons I enjoyed it and why others might be turned-off:

I particularly like that this reviewer noticed the storytelling parallel between “Furiosa” and Miller’s previous “Three-Thousand-Years of Longing”.