Which is totally insane. The idea that a bear, however small, was killed by being run over by a bicycle doesn’t even make sense. When he says he wasn’t drunk, I assume he means he was high instead - it’s the only way it would have made sense.
And elsewhere.
What a piece of shit.
That picture came from the NY Post. I’d bet almost anything Trump’s people leaked this story to the media to force RFK, Jr. to drop out, and RFK, Jr. just decided to release it himself first as a Hail Mary. A lot of people think the only reason he was running in the first place was to help Trump. But the polling has shown he’s taking votes from Trump. Against Biden, Trump wasn’t worried about it, but with Harris surging in the polls, Trump kinda needs every vote he can get.
They don’t need to be in cahoots with Trump for Trump’s people to leak a story to them. And that bear cub body was a big story back in the day. Any New York media outlet that got this story connecting RFK, Jr. to it was going to run it. If anything, leaking it to a more reputable outfit is a better strategy.
WTAF? From the description, I expected this was “immature college student prank”-level stupidity that he pulled 40 years ago. But no, he was like a grown-ass 60 year old!
As a side observation, maybe this photo captures the moment where he picked up his brain worm. If that bear was infested all he’d have had to do after putting his hand in the bear’s mouth would be to touch his face, nose, or food.
Good job, little bear. RIP.
Again, polling shows RFK, Jr. has been pulling votes from Trump, not the Democrats. No way Harris or Biden’s people leaked this.
There’s an understanding in journalism that every leaker and anonymous source has some kind of agenda. The journalist’s job is to determine whether the information the leaker is providing is both newsworthy and accurate.
Right. And this story was unquestionably newsworthy, and the photo made it accurate enough to contact Kennedy, and then he confirmed it. There was no way any media outlet wasn’t going to run this story. Trump could have leaked it to MSNBC or Mother Jones and they would have run it.
Come on, y’all. This story is hilarious.
When I worked on the lakefront at a summer camp as a teen, a giant dead fish (like 4 feet long) washed up on the beach and I spent half the day trying to figure out something funny to do with it. I eventually gave up and threw it away, since every prank I could think of involved being really mean to someone, and I don’t like mean pranks.
Posing a dead bear cub in Central Park as if it got hit by a bike is epic. It’s not reflective of good judgment (the animal cruelty, the anti-bike angle, the fact that he was like 60 and not 18, the whole extreme weirdness of knowing the rules of roadkill permits…) and certainly not indicative of someone who should be in any kind of power (political or otherwise). But it’s damn funny.
That’s why it’s not funny (besides the animal cruelty, etc). He manufactured the incident and then exploited it for political purposes.
this isn’t some teen shenanigans, this was someone, who was a grown ass adult, tried to blame bikers in the city for something he did in a car, by dumping a dead animal in the middle of a highly popular public park. It’s not some light hearted prank that we can wave away… it’s seriously unhinged behavior by a wealthy asshole who thinks he should run the whole country…
This. Was. A. Mean. Prank. If you can even call it a “prank.”
Again, it was a 60-year-old man faking an accident with the intention of stoking public fear of cyclists. It wasn’t a victimless crime. It was ghoulish, gruesome and actively malicious. Not to mention mean to the poor city workers who had to clean it up.