Richard Spencer says that antifa sucked all the fun out of college appearances, calls it quits

The only reasons I don’t shoot Nazis and plead self-defense is because I don’t own a gun, because I’ve had suicide ideation thoughts in the past, plus the pragmatic view that a punched Nazi is a Nazi who remembers facing consequences for his hate and will be a coward like Spencer, but a dead Nazi at the hands of someone like me is a martyr to the Cause and a recruitment bonanza.

And Spencer has specifically called out for my people to be forcibly removed from the USA because we aren’t White, and his followers are more than willing to murder us. That’s how it’s acceptable to punch him.

And my target criteria is this:
“I’m a White Supremacist and/or Nazi!” announced via tattoos, badges, flags, outfits, their speech, white supremacist podcasts or putting it as their goddamn “occupation” on the police report.