Originally published at: Santorum blames "sexy" abortion
secret sauce
Of a sort…
Still well deserved for this piece of poop.
Uh, Rick, ‘very sexy’ abortion has been your main electoral gimmick for your entire career …
Not quite, we mustn’t forget all the homophobia.
I see two things to unpack here that point to Santorum’s love of fascism.
“You put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot and a lot of young people come out and vote,”. Another way of stating that decisions about matters of consequence should not be left to the general population.
“Thank goodness that most of the states in this country don’t allow you to put everything on the ballot, because pure democracies are not the way to run a country.” Don’t worry, the USA is not even close to a pure democracy: The electoral college overriding the popular vote. Two senators for each state, regardless of population. One senator’s objection can derail critical government appointments (calling Tommy Tuberville!). Likely many more examples.
Worst. Halloween costume. Ever.
He’s really never been afraid of airing his weird sex fantasies publicly.
You could say he was frothing about it.
For future litmus issues they use to rile up their base, so they can stay in power, maybe they’ll be more careful to not actually succeed in implementation.
and a lot of young people come out and vote,"
Is complaining about the youth vote part of the GOP strategy for winning back the youth vote?
I approve.
Why do you think they are floating the idea of revoking the 26th amendment? The younger vote is breaking blue at an astonishing rate. 2022 was Dem+37, in 2018 Dem+49. No matter the gerrymandering, they cannot overcome those numbers unless they can keep them from voting. And there is no reason to think they will get more fascist as they get older, only more numerous.
“The Devil sends the Beast with wrath,
Because he knows his time is short.”
(All apologies to Iron Maiden)
Not like it needs the help; but this is even more distasteful because of the hypocrisy. Santorum was entirely ok with abortion being a ‘sexy’ policy item back when it was red meat for the base; you didn’t see him tutting quietly about how the august traditions of the constitutional republic must be safely insulated from the untrammeled passions of the mob; he’s just preening as though those were his concerns because there was a larger than expected shift in terms of how well the actual electorate did against his perceived constituency.
I see that Santorum is a fan of Fight Club.
(The book; they changed it for the movie.)
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