Rick Santorum voter support drops to 0% after debate

Holy crap! Scott Walker was born in the US, wasn’t he? Certainly he has British citizenship by now, though… :frowning:

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Maybe it’s not his cock?


Yeah, suggesting that the Supreme Court had settled a legal issue, whether they like it or not, probably didn’t go over that well.

But it is a little worrisome that Fiorina got a bit of a bump out of this.

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Now, now, let’s not dirty up perfectly respectable sexual act between two men by inserting Santorum…


I remember hearing that one about Bush Jr. as well, and look how THAT turned out. In fact the similarities are eerie. Failed businessmen from privileged backgrounds who are popular with the base for “speaking their minds…”

Please don’t let Trump v. Clinton end up before the Supreme Court…


The problem is that his “base” consists mostly of people who imagine themselves in his shoes, only they’re temporarily inconvenienced by not being in his shoes. You know, the American Dream and all that. So they support him, as he so personifies themselves if they just had a few breaks come their way.


Santorum’s debate style was frothy fecal matter, literally.


This poll is good news for the Republicans…
Yeah, that felt good.

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With the margin of error on these things all this amounts to virtually no change for most. Cruz and Fiorina got the only changes that look real.

of course no change for Trump is a victory and no change for Bush is a loss.

So there is that.

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Sometimes bankruptcies put people out of work and sometimes they don’t. Even if bankruptcy results in putting all employees out of work creation of the business gave them a job for a while. No business or job lasts forever.

Anyone who starts a lot of businesses starts some which don’t work. It’s the risk investors take. What isn’t important is the number of bankruptcies but the proportion of businesses started which went bankrupt and why they went bankrupt.

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USUALLY, he’s there to be the wingnut candidate that makes your Jebs look tamer by comparison.

But when you’re on a stage with Donald Trump’s Ego, and when we’ve heard about gay-bashing and “college education is ruining America benghazi abortion taxes” and whatever for the last 12 years, its awfully hard to get a hateful word in edge-wise.


Of all the candidates, this is the one to blow his wad right out of the gate.

I already miss Jon Stewart.


All this excitement over his 3rd campaign and his only purpose running is the “right of center” indicator.
As to Trump, he seems to be purposely offending different groups (Hispanic, women, etc.) as a strategy for the “he speaks his mind” crowd. I can’t wait for the inevitable dissing of African Americans, and the clash with Sharpton.

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He will be announcing soon.

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2016 is still a long way away, but it still looks like Jeb is unlikely to do well in the primaries. Things my change, but I think the best chance the GOP has in the general at this stage may be a Rubio & Fiorina ticket. Though, I honestly hope they go full derp this GOP nom and pick the most crazy person possible. Either Trump or Cruz, you go GOP voters. Vote for the crazy you really want!

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As above, these numbers are misleading:
There’s a margin of error of 3.4%.
So technically, Santorum could be enjoying negative support.
And if there’s no such thing as bad publicity, then there must also be no such thing as bad support! Right? Right?


And what does “Trump’s the only one who speaks his mind” say about the other Republican candidates? : -)

That was why I really liked Howard Dean, before the media from both parties attacked him for giving an excited speech to a crowd in a noisy room.

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But then we all start singing that song and someone has to transmit their soul back to the homeland through the telluric current.

Who knew the public’s appetite for anal froth could be exhausted so easily?

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faux “fiscal conservatives” never fall flat. They’ll just blame the IRS, “welfare moms”, Obamacare, womens health and go back to voting for trillions of Military/Prison industrial funding.