Right wing snowflakes moaning about Michelle Wolf's hilarious White House Press Corps monologue show us real "PC"

One of the big problems as I see it is that people seem to be expecting the dinner to follow the normal, respectful format even when we aren’t living in normal times. We could have a puppy-raping cannibal sitting in the White House and people would still be insisting that we avoid direct criticism out of “respect for the office.”


The DC press corps lost all credibility back in 2001 if not earlier and they haven’t made an attempt to recover since. So pretty much fuck this brood. They obviously can’t look into the mirror that Wolf held up.

Considering that this whole ‘presidency’ is already a bad, sad, joke, where else are ya gonna go?


This whole thing just made my week, so good! Marvelous bad ass woman :slight_smile:


The strangest thing about all of this is that 75% of the rage is against Wolf “mocking Sarah Sanders’ looks”.

She never once, at any point in her routine, made fun of Sanders’ appearance. She did, however, compliment how terrific her eye makeup looks (in the context of using the ashes of truth for her eye shadow).

But I kinda suspect that most folks screaming about her routine never watched it and just assumed that it was all about Sanders’ weight or looks or whatever, which tells me they’re carrying their own set of jokes around with them.


An important and much overlooked distinction.


I actually saw that response yesterday on the Guardian or somewhere from someone who was shocked that another woman would make fun of another woman’s weight. It’s amazing how quick the snowball of untruth can grow so large with some folks.


Apparently it carried you into town. Sure, it wasn’t to know this would be problematic, but it did do it. :wink:

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Agreed. The whole “it was misogynistic!” canard is also an attempted derailment from the pointed truths she was speaking about the new emperor and his kiss-ass toadies, including those in the so-called press.


Which inevitably leads to these conversations:
“She never made fun of her weight, looks, or gender, not once.”
“Yes she did!”
“Why don’t you simply watch it and see for yourself that that’s not true?”
“Why should I watch an x-rated, misogynistic piece of trash?”


And everyone would be so much happier for the vast improvement.


I read the transcript and it was bitingly hilarious. That kind of thing could annoy me if it wasn’t funny, but this stuff was gold… I imagine it would be even better in performance. I’ll have to find an opportunity to watch it.

I also liked her unfunny closing line, “Flint still doesn’t have clean water.”


This is literally a case of “if you can’t say anything nice, you can’t say anything at all.” There’s nothing nice to say and doing so would make you just as disingenuous as the people you want to say the mean, honest things about.


Yep. We’re in the Great Lakes heartland, so that’s actually a thing that people here have been conditioned to do. That, (and apathy) are the reason we’re not rebelling against what the government and the 1%ers have done to our region.


Unsurprisingly, the corporate media are among the first to fall to complete Trumpification.



“There’s an important, REAL STORY out there – go cover it, you buncha Trumpstruck assholes!”


No, the President shouldn’t do it either. We should all be working to show each other respect, and one person’s bad behavior does not excuse another.

uh… facebook is over there → www.facebook.com

So, someone using a swear is the same as a lifetime of bad behavior. Got it.


You know, she made a joke about Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick, you’d think conservatives would be wetting their pants in joy.

[edited to add: I actually imagined Ann Coulter in the audience standing up, pumping her fist, and trying to high-five everyone at her table after the Chappaquiddick joke.]


I disagree.

Many comedians have long served a noble function, that of pointing out the abuses of power that power insists we ignore.

Satirizing Trump’s obscene vulgarity by one-upping it – thereby showing how normalized his vulgarity has become, AND how he’s getting away with that and so much else – is an opportunity that Michelle Wolf seized on perfectly.