Road rage causes a spectacular, horrifying accident

There’s no one to cheer for in this movie. This seems to be a trend now. Everything is just multiple assholes and damage.


Several years back, I had a right rear tire blow, same area that the motorcyclist kicked. I immediately moved out of traffic to see what had made the loud thump (not to mention the car suddenly pulling to the side). The motorist might not have seen the guy on the motorcycle, who seems to be in the motorist’s blind spot, and just wanted to get out of traffic in reaction to a whump that seemed to come from his car, suddenly noticed the motorcycle, and reacted badly.


Look twice save a life… So much wrong here and nobody acted like an adult.
Car driver should have noted license plate and called police.
Having said that I stand by what I’ve said before …ban motorcycles from all interstate highways.
You can’t hitchhike(or even be a pedestrian) or ride a horse on most interstates so just add these road scourges to the list.
Note I’m not saying ban motorcycles but exclude them from intersate highways. If you want to live out your 1% biker easy rider fantasy do it where you aren’t a menace.

This is an unusual and unpopular opinion. I can’t say I’ve encountered it before. I’m not sure on what grounds they are to be banned though. Unable to maintain highway minimum speeds, like pedestrians or horses? Nope. Unable to accelerate faster than a Smart car or brake as quickly as an eighteen-wheeler? Nope. Louder or more smoke-belching than a poorly maintained dumptruck? Nope. Heavier than a cement mixer? Nope. Lack of passive restraints (seatbelts)? Hmm, maybe that one, but I can’t think of any others. I know, let’s mandate cute little seatbelts for motorcycles! That’ll fix it. /s


Well it will be easier to find the main part of the person with the main part of the motorcycle, at least :wink:

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I can dig it although I’m doubting it myself. To me I’m seeing " I’m gonna squish this ahole turn almost instantly to oh shit that’s vehicular homicide"

Based on the fact they are a menace. For everyone that swears they follow all rules of the road I see 10 acts of recklessness by motorcycle owners.



You hate motorcycles… we get it already…


How are they a menace, exactly? (full disclosure, I have never ridden a motorcycle on a public road)


Nope …just on the highway…or that guy that weelied down the road yesterday or the guy driving with no hands last week or the guys that hemmed me in going through Missouri back in the 90s and wouldn’t let me exit . It’s exactly how I feel about Jesus…I don’t mind him but his fan club is the worst.

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That’s the new “Michael Bay Special Edition” Nissan Sentra.


Finally got around to watching the video and i think that the car swerving was unintentional. Potentially. The car swerves very suddenly immediately after it’s kicked, it could have been the driver freaking out and pulling on the wheel in a moment of panic. However if the driver saw the guy roll up to him and saw the kick it’s possible that they did it on purpose but i’m not so sure about that. Either way the motorcyclist caused the accident even if the car cut him off earlier.


Exactly. EXACTLY. But far be it that you make any kind of sense and use logical reasoning.


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This is just my opinion, of course, but editing your reply to make mine seem confusing isn’t the best way to constructively participate in this forum.


You’ve seen Easy Rider, right? It didn’t end that well - particularly because of some asshole in a truck.


The kick isnt right, but the erratic driving, from the description before of cutting him off, and right after the kick, are 100% the car drivers fault. There is no way a kick could cause that.

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Personally, if I thought someone had just tried to murder me, I wouldn’t likely stick around to make sure they were alright. I’d rather risk the ticket for failure to remain at the scene, than risk the guy crawling out of his car and trying again with a gun because I walked over like a chump to see if he’s alright.


If you ride or drive on public freeways or roads, you are guaranteed to encounter another person who is distracted, careless, or simply unable to see you. When this happens common sense would be to avoid such a driver rather than taking it personally and kicking their car, distracting them further and causing a multi car accident.


Well, that’s why I said it wouldn’t be a good idea to approach the car. But hopefully for the biker’s sake they pulled over a little bit down the road. They still had their bike and the car was certainly not coming after them after that collision. I’m guessing they panicked and thought they could get away not realizing they were being recorded. Regardless, I doubt the judge will accept that he fled the scene entirely (if that’s what he did) for fear of his life.