Rob Beschizza on the Cool Tools podcast

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Any word on The Ears in this?


I just got one of those same toasters. You’re right about it getting super hot on the top. I also hope it’s better than other toasters; as you say, 90% of them are garbage. For industrial designers, toasters::small appliances as I/O devices::Apple products.

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I have an older one, and it has the same issue. Probably because of the distance between the top heating elements and the top of the appliance. I never put anything on it, just in case. :fire:

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I don’t know why but I imagine Rob being roughly 23” in height,

Yeah… in so many ways facebook is just a soul sucking void of everything awful on t’nternet. Delete your facebook.

That was an enjoyable listen, particularly you ripping into facebook and despite me leaving with a feeling that we’ll never be rid of its menace.


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