Robert De Niro bashes Trump for being a violent coward: "You think Trump ever threw a punch himself?" (video)

You think?


So, I am not aware of Ivana or anyone else alleging Trump punched them. She did allege (and subsequently recant, though there obviously may be many reasons other than factual inaccuracy that a woman would not want to publically accuse a powerful man of something) that he violently assaulted her, pulled out large wads of her hair and raped her. In fact, a considerable number of woman have alleged sexual assault by Trump - with varying degrees of physical force or other forms of intimidation alleged to have been employed. I feel obliged to say for the lawyers out there that I’m not aware of any info other than what is publically available. But yeah I uh… Personally find these allegations to be plausible.

Arbitrary distinction? Absolutely! Don’t worry Donald, nothing you could say or do could ever make me respect you less.


Seems to me like questions about whether he’s punched women usually come from a masculine inability to go beyond one’s own perspective. It’s like, men punch, and get punched, by other men, so they’re interested in punching, you know?

I mean look at all the other kinds of horrific violence this “pssy grabbing” man has definitely inflicted on women. That he’s a monstrous abuser of women has already been established. Why is it interesting or important that the violence may or may not also include punching? What’s so special about punching in this context? I mean, focusing on it is close to saying, “Sure, he’s done the usual humiliating, painful and damaging things that asshole men do to women, but he’s probably punched them too!” Whaaaat???


I think DeNiro missed an opportunity by not reminding people Trump skipped Vietnam because of bone spurs, and even though he’s got such an excellent memory, he can’t remember which foot.


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