Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/28/robert-de-niro-bashes-trump-for-being-a-violent-coward-you-think-trump-ever-threw-a-punch-himself-video.html
Wasn’t it made known that he’d punched a teacher when he was in grade school?
Still, a punch thrown by a small child in anger & frustration for not getting its way sure ain’t bravery.
How can he say that about manly, macho Trump, who bravely faces down birbs?
That was a story that Trump started. He backed away from it somewhat, perhaps after it became clear no one was going to corroborate it. We have much better evidence that Trump threw rocks at a baby when he was a kid, though. That seems to have been more his style.
Trump claimed he did that in his book, but there’s no evidence that he actually did.
Which of course raises the question “what kind of fucking sociopath pretends to be the kind of person who would punch a teacher because he thinks that would make him seem cooler?”
(And a coke goes to @Shuck)
He apparently threw rocks at a baby when he was a child (chronologically speaking – he still is a child mentally). A high school classmate of Cokehead also saw Biff slap him for the crime of wearing a baseball jersey instead of a suit to a Yankees game.
Still a coward, of course.
So even as a child he never threw a punch at anyone who might have been able to fight back. Same goes for the time he slapped Junior or assaulted his first wife Ivana…
And then all you have to do is listen to all the other stories that Trump tells that he thinks makes him seem cooler to find out the answer to that.
But it’s interesting that even the story that he seemingly made up to seem tough ultimately doesn’t, really - it’s not a peer that he supposedly hit, not an older child or even a random adult, but one that was constrained by their role to not be aggressive with him in return. So even in his story about a child hitting an adult (“giving him a black eye”), it’s still bullying, basically - and supposedly because the adult told him he wasn’t good at something, so it’s also a story about Trump’s fragile ego. Trump always tells on himself.
OMFG, thanks to you, @Brainspore and @gracchus for the enlightening
He really is a sick fucker, and always has been.
ETA: Since it’s all my fault anyway, I’ve got some Cuba Libres on a mahogany bar…
To be fair, raptor aren’t to be fucked with. God damn flying dinosaurs.
If an eagle went for me like that, I would (quite reasonably, I think) be scared - but I’d not loudly pretend afterwards that I wasn’t.
I don’t know why these apps make it so hard for a simple screenshot.
I was wondering why he was triggered by DeNiro today.
Collin Rugg @CollinRugg
JUST IN: Actor Robert De Niro gets into a shouting match with a guy wearing a MAGA hat across the street from the Trump trial.
De Niro could be seen having a meltdown after a Trump supporter was heard calling him “washed up.”
De Niro joined the Biden campaign on Tuesday to blast the former president.
The actor was given orders from the Biden campaign to focus on January 6th according to the Associated Press.
During his press conference, De Niro ironically blasted Trump as a “tyrant.”
During his press conference, De Niro ironically blasted Trump as a “tyrant.”
…In what way is this is ironic? Had De Niro secretly taken over a Greek city-state or something?
Guy has a fake news site that’s been dead in the water since October. Claims to be an investor. Claim to fame: Big on X.
I bet he’s struck women.
… because Biden stole our freedoms
Oh look, I’m not aware of any specific information to this effect - but if you were to tell me that Trump had hit a woman or a child, I’d probably find that plausible. You know, based on his overall vibe.
I could listen to Bobby D trash talk ●●●●● all day long.
Let them debate.