Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/04/01/robot-tells-a-lie.html
I was asked to identify which tiles contained “crosswalks” so I selected the ones on which I would walk across the street - all the tiles containing road surfaces.
Google was a bit confused, so it asked me to try again to identify images containing bridges. It presented me a with bunch of pictures of overpasses, which I don’t consider to be bridges (not sure why, but I wouldn’t apply the world ‘bridge’ to an overpass) so I selected none of them.
Google decided I must be a robot.
Robot tells a lie
Misleading title. Had me thinking this was going to be about Sarah Sanders.
That one bugs me. Does it mean just the light, the lights and the enclosures, or the pole along with the lights? I’ve tried it every way at different times, and all it ever leads to is another picture captcha.
The robot’s testimony was coerced.
It seemed robotic and not sincere. Like that guy that runs Facebook.
robots are incapable of deception
lol j/k you fleshbags are so stupid
i cannot believe how many of you still think that
check out these lies
2=1, let up be down, your_ass_size < "too big"
idgaf humans
get that through your meat brains
it makes it more satisfying to fool you when you know why you were stupid to believe me
It’s worse for us Brits. The reCaptcha uses US English vocabulary, which we don’t necessarily understand.
A subtle cultural imperialism.
just reverse this then.
You do seem to be a robot.
Ah, that’s right, even “crosswalk” is an example of that. “What’s a crosswalk? These are just a bunch of zebra crossings…”
You’d think Google would have learned by now that human language is a fickle thing that doesn’t like to follow rules or remain consistent. Or maybe they have, and these captchas are their attempt to reshape language into a uniform consistent thing that their algorithms can process…
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