'Rolling Stone' gives an unflinching portrait of Johnny Depp and the financial mess he's in

That’s, like, … $66,000 per day

$2,700 per HOUR :confused:


At the very least- he’ll get the SAG Pension


So - no worries about cat food.


I’ve been meaning to watch that documentary about The Island of Dr. Moreau and the fun times in the latter days of Brando. The future of Depp, perhaps?

I thought I read somewhere that Nicholas Cage’s career trajectory is also largely based on having become deeply indebted after following highly questionable financial advice. Can’t find the source at the moment, though.


I notice the article barely touches on the credible allegations of domestic abuse.

So sad. I’m probably going to avoid future movies with Depp as the primary star, though I may not be able to resist seeing the ones where he plays Gellert Grindlewald.


If you essentially mismanage your money and go from being super rich to being super poor, does that make you poor and if so do you feel bad for that person?

A really good executor will also teach you how to become a masked vigilante without getting yourself killed.


I hope he has an actual friend or two who can teach him how to stop being such a wanker, and get him to use some of his remaining fortune to actually make a positive difference in the world beyond entertaining people.

Then he might discover there’s a whole lot more to personal fulfillment than amassing trinkets and baubles.

Actually, I know just the guy - he needs Russell Brand to take him under his wing.


Indeed, Brand certainly seems to have mastered channeling his addictive energy in to new directions.

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Not sure if Hilarious or Good Idea


Between working with and knowing and admiring Brando, and then doing this kind of thing, it’s not like he didn’t know the stereotype:

Maybe he thinks there’s a future in being the gone-to-seed Brando? He’s seen it before, and maybe thought it was the thing to do.


You’re all missing it. Johnny is still in the middle of the longest bit of performance art ever undertaken. The “Rebel Without a Clue” was the blueprint for a performance that will span 50 years. Brilliant!


For a guy that came from nothing it sounds like he could give a shit. He has a wealth of experience. Really what is money if you don’t spend it? Sometimes it’s only from the very lowest point where a person can find that fire in the gut to create something truly great. Given enough time he will pull a Robert Downy Jr, and be offered a roll that makes it all back x10.


The idea that out-of-control spending could blow $650 million is a result of people just not understanding how much money this really is. If he’s spending tens of thousands on wine every month - let’s say $30K - he could blow his whole fortune in 1800 years. If we assume he’s had this money and has been spending furiously for the past 30 years, that means he has to blow $2M a month, every month, for decades, a very difficult feat to manage (especially if we’re supposed to view things like shooting Hunter S. Thompson’s ashes into space for $5M as excessive - he would have to have done hundreds of things this excessive in order to lose all his money).

I’m going to go with the “severe financial mismanagement/fraud” version of events. The guy might be a train wreck, but it’s simply not possible to spend that much money.


It’s not even real rich. It’s less than 1% of the Walton family fortune for example.


The fact that we’re quibbling over $650 million as being “real” wealth is pretty telling about the state of the world.


Yeah. Things have gotten so weird that multimillionaires are closer to the average working poor than they are to the richest people in America.


Neither of them give a shit about those of us who aren’t multimillionaires. they have that in common.


My sarcasm tag may not have shown correctly - my apologies if so.

It is telling, how far out of touch these fortunes can be, to the average person who has to struggle with things like ‘will I be able to afford gas this week’


The horror… the horror…

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Have you seen Russell Brand lately? He’s not much of a bad boy anymore…

He’s not as famous as Depp, but famous enough to rub shoulders, I’d say. And I think he’s probably a similar enough sort of character for there to be a considerable rapport.

Although Depp almost certainly lacks the humility to look up to someone twelve years his junior…

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