Link, please (image too small to be legible).
Yes but bringing in people who got fired for being anti-vaxers so maybe in his mind, the numbers are a wash. You know - selecting for the best and brightest and all that, because Florida.
Every time something like this happens, it strengthens my belief that the only thing the right is good at, and getting quicker at every time they do it, is taking words or phrases with actual meaning, and turning them into empty shibboleths.
They don’t care what it is, outside of a way to stir the base.
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Somebody’s going to be going all the way to the Supreme Court with their lawsuit.
Here you go, but I don’t think you’ll get any more pixels at the source.
Thanks, and yeah - no better. You’d think a text-dependent cartoon website would implement an image enlarge option.
Of course gocomics is more than happy to sell you a framed version for a couple hundred dollars.
Some business in Florida is going to end up with a bunch of lawsuit money after the State of Florida violates their First Amendment rights.
Bush-41 actually made flagburning a political issue… Good times…
Since there’s no defence – you get dragged to court and lose your legal expenses regardless – it doesn’t really matter what you’re being sued for. You go broke regardless. In this case, the real offence is being a public school. Therefore, you lose.
Nope. The State is not a party and didn’t do anyone any harm, any more than the State harms someone by having speed limits.
You’re forgetting their ability to retroactively define anything to mean whatever they want it to mean. In this case CRT = “The real racism is when black and brown people complain that there might be racism against them, which is racism against me, a white person, by hurting my feelings. They should feel lucky we allow the good ones to work in our stores and factories and farms and don’t just execute or imprison or expel all of them.”
And they’ve always said that, it’s just that they’re calling it “CRT” now. They know what they mean.
“Fascists”. The word you’re looking for is “fascists”.
Yeah, I deliberately avoid use that term because actual fascists have been pretty successful in creating mis information and casting anti-facism as being a bad thing. I think most Americans can’t define the word - and neither can I, because it does have some different definitions.
Screw them, don’t let the fuckers get away with it.
Eco’s 14 Features still works pretty well. Are they Authoritarian? Are they heavy on weaponised religion? Are they soaking in fragile machismo? Xenophobic? Paranoid? Pseudopopulist? Newspeaky?
They’re fascists.
They might keep publishing bullshit screeds like Liberal Fascism and saying BuT NaZiS wErE SoCiAlIsTs, but they must not be allowed to get away with it, because what they want is for us not to even to be able to describe what they’re doing to the rest of us. Not using a perfectly accurate word like “fascist” because they have demonstrated its accuracy in the process of denying that it has any meaning is ceding ground to them, and that cannot be tolerated.
Well, that would just ensure it gets enshrined into law, won’t it?
Law made to hush truth about systemic racism is systematically racist.
Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.