Ron DeSantis resents that Donald Trump can skip debates while he can't: "He owes it to people" (video)

Originally published at: Ron DeSantis resents that Donald Trump can skip debates while he can't: "He owes it to people" (video) | Boing Boing


Because @mspie500 went to the trouble of making this available on YouTube, it belongs in any thread about Ron DeSantis’ mastery of human emotion


I just love the host’s tepid response at the end: “… okay”.


Look man, Trump owes a lot of things to a lot of people. Apologies for his behavior. Taxes. Payment for services rendered to countless contractors and lawyers.

Doesn’t mean he’s about to make good on any of those things.


How would we know if DeSantis didn’t show up? This strikes me as one of those “what’s the sound of one hand clapping” koans.


Trump is so far ahead he doesn’t need to show up. There’s literally no upside for him. Nobody really gives a shit about this debate other than those who are in the debate. Trump knows that when he goes to GA the next day to get arrested, it’s all anybody will talk about and the debate won’t even be a blip on anybody’s radar.


They’re acting like Trump didn’t give a reason for skipping the debate. He did. He has a massive lead in the polls. No one is anywhere close to him, and he doesn’t have anything to gain by debating these people. Honestly, as much as I hate the guy, he’s probably not wrong to skip the debate. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose.

ETA: @ficuswhisperer you were faster than me lol


As much as I hate the guy, it seems like a reasonable tactical call to make. If he dominates the debate, so what? If he loses the debate, he will just say he won anyway. Everybody at the debate will be talking about him anyway.


That’s a good point. He’s sort of there even if he doesn’t show up. It kinda makes me think maybe the best strategy for the candidates who are in that debate would be to just refuse to discuss Trump as all. That’ll never happen, but it would be interesting to see Trump’s reaction if it did.


They are really in an untenable position. You can’t appeal to both the mythical middle and the far right MAGA crowd. You can’t appeal to the far right MAGA crowd because you can’t out-Trump Trump. Appealing to the middle gets you nowhere because there really isn’t a middle anymore. The few who will say bad things about Trump like Christie don’t have a chance in hell of winning anyway. The right is so spellbound by Trump and I don’t see anything changing that short of losing again in 2024.


That’s pretty much what happened in 2016. Trump skipped the seventh primary debate because he was being a whiny little turd about Megyn Kelly and then ended up being the biggest douchebag on social media that night anyway. The only way Ted Cruz was even able to get anyone to pay attention to something he said onstage was to open with lame attempt to mock Trump.



Yeah, yeah Ron - Donald loves you, too.


I don’t think our voters … are going to look kindly on somebody that thinks they don’t have to earn it.

This complete misunderstanding of the nature of the Republican base is why he’s doomed to lose. These people glory in, aspire to, and celebrate an unearned sense of entitlement – as long as your skin is the proper shade of pale, of course.


What a terrifying smile. I’ve seen cardboard ones on sticks that looked more realistic.

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His mother was a nurse and his father installed Nielsen TV ratings machines. There’s no history of family money or high level connections yet this guy winds up at Yale with no scholarships or obvious means of paying for it; is indoctrinated into a very prestigious fraternity and ‘skull and bones’ type secret society; Teaches history for a year at an elite prep school; then goes to Harvard law school - again, with no obvious way of paying for it. Joins the Navy as an officer and ends up in the exclusive JAG corp where he is assigned to prosecute Guantanamo detainees (where allegedly he oversaw some of the torture procedures).

There is a lot of seriously shady shit going on with this guy’s background.

In his book he described being surrounded by students who attended prep schools and had rich parents. In contrast, DeSantis paid his own way through school including through working at an electric company, parking cars at events, recycling trash, moving furniture, and coaching baseball, he wrote.

Yeah right…in the late 90’s, it’s totally reasonable that a kid can afford a $90,000 education by parking cars and coaching baseball.


It’s adorable when cishet white men accuse each other of being entitled.


Something similar happened with JD Vance, the current fascist Senator from Ohio. At a certain point the GOP identified both of them as having the potential for a faux-populist bootstraps narrative and got the big-money donors to throw some pocket change their way to further their educations and careers.


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