Ron DeSantis signs laws banning foreign citizens from owning land in Florida

Agreed that it’s an obvious Equal Protection violation. Straight out of the conservative playbook of shamelessly championing losing arguments for bad-faith reasons and because, hell, maybe you’ve stacked the courts enough to win some of them. It’s fucking exhausting.

I also generally agree with the views of the professors quoted here: Judicial scrutiny could sink new Florida law banning Chinese property ownership | South China Morning Post.


you're right seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers
And well put.
I don’t understand why people are contorting themselves into pretzels trying to ignore ALL context. :woman_shrugging:t2:


But, Clutch! Don’t you get it! BOTH SIDES ARE BAD!!! /S


Blanket bans against foreign land ownership are generally intended to prevent real estate prices from rising to the point where locals can no longer afford land.

Do you really not see any difference between that and banning only certain nationalities?


… in America, xenophobia is never race-neutral


In Canada’s case, as covered extensively upthread, the intent of the law in Canada is to improve housing supply and keep foreign investors from camping their money in high end Vancouver condos (which is a genuinely huge problem that needs solving).

The intent is definitely not racist, whereas the Florida intent absolutely is. Whether the respective laws are a good idea or whether they will be applied in racist ways is a separate discussion, but laws like Florida’s are not made to create policy. They are made to sound dog whistles, and it’s clear what this one is saying.


i’m sorry i didn’t deliver the conversation you were hoping for. i can only offer my perspective on the facts at hand, and if that’s not useful to you in explaining why i find this law to be racist there’s not much further i can do


uuuuh calling everything you disagree with “bad faith” is actual textbook bad faith.


For a guy that represents a party that detests government regulation he’s sure doing a lot of regulating of non existent problems.

“They’re going to be able to have the window into what you’re doing with the money and the ability to control where that money is going,” DeSantis said during an event in Fort Myers.

“They could block, if you filled up your gas tank too much


Is Chinese a “race”? Is North Korean a “race”? Because from what I can tell citizens of South Korea aren’t banned. Neither are citizens of Japan. Or any other east asian countries.

You’ve called everything at least five people have said bad faith.

I don’t really think anyone is going to try to explain systemic racism, xenophobia, etc and how it can intersect with laws to anyone so dedicated to assuming bad faith at this point. People don’t like to waste time with folks who only seem to want to antagonize.

If that feels like a “win” to you then success. You’ve won! Yay! No one is persuaded by you but they’ve stopped talking! And that seems to be the goal. I have opinions on how a similar law in my state works but I don’t feel comfortable sharing them with you here fwiw. So I’m not going to. No faith required, but there’s probably nothing we can learn from each other, or at least that is the impression I have after reading the thread mostly because of your reactions specifically if I may be blunt.

That’s the kind of conversation your constant dismissal and accusations of bad faith on half the community has engendered.

What is the point of writing anything to anyone if this is how it’s going to be?

Muting you and this thread also.


It’s not our job to educate you. Get to a library, find a few reputable sources online. Google is a thing.
The breadth of either your ignorance or entitlement is ridiculous


Not a one of us fucking waffled.

Now you’re putting words in people’s mouths.

Seth Meyers Idk GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


Here is the dictionary definition of racism. Notice the word “ethnic.”

Or will you also be needing a definition for “ethnicity?”


So in your books the Japanese internment camps were not racist, because they weren’t rounding up Chinese people too? So for some reason you’ve decided to adopt a definition that leaves out absolutely horrible bigotry.


So lemme get this straight:

You actually think racial bigotry is somehow limited to your own rigid interpretation of the construct? That it is not actually based in hateful bias against people based upon how they look and/or where they are from?

Because I find that exceedingly hard to believe.

Racism isn’t just lynching Black folks, bombing churches and burning crosses… though give DeSantis some time and I’m sure he will try to bring all those atrocities back as ‘state attractions.’


right?! i wonder if ron knows the difference? oh right, he doesn’t care.

racism. identify a group, attack.


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