Originally published at: Royals demands UK news sites delete memorial footage, such as Charles's embarrassing behavior at the accession council | Boing Boing
Well, good luck with that Chuck. I look forward to seeing how that works out for you.
Mob rules: you send out a little humiliation, from time to time, just to see who smiles through it and who protests. And then you punish the unfaithful.
Someone should tell him about the Streisand effect, before it gets renamed to the Charles Effect.
Because that worked sooooooo well before
Saint Babs, we invoke thee…
“Won’t someone rid me of this troublesome Guardian journalist?”
Some quick Internet research suggests that the royal family granted conditional access to the media to events like the funeral in exchange for having control over how the footage was used in the future:
Yeah, it’s nothing to lose his head over.
Poor old Charlie. His ma just died and now he has to deal with his inbred shitshow of a family. It’s a wonder he didn’t just turn the whole desk over.
Chuck got his first real job, @ 73 years old. That’s nice.
They already did that to a King Chuckles. I have faith the British people can find something more original for this one.
What was Charles’ embarrassing behavior at the accession council? Publishing a story with that in the headline, and not explaining, or at least linking to a description, of the purportedly embarrassing behavior, is bad journalism.
Tell us that one about how the monarchy has no actual power again