Rudy Giuliani launches coffee brand including "Enjoying Life" variety

Lt. Steven Hauk : Sir, the man has got an irreverent tendency. He did a very off-color parody of former VP Nixon.

General Taylor : I thought it was hilarious.

Lt. Steven Hauk : Respectfully, sir, the former VP is a good man and a decent man.

General Taylor : Bullshit! I know Nixon personally. He lugs a trainload of shit behind him that could fertilize the Sinai. Why, I wouldn’t buy an apple from the son of a bitch and I consider him a good, close, personal friend.


Pretty sure that’s not how it works Rudy.



Is there not some mechanism, where the court can say the defendant is quite clearly taking the piss and is therefore responsible for what happens to him next.

The best part is that they showed up with the summons at his 80th birthday party.
Hope the process server got some cake, LOL.

Users online pointed out that Giuliani, who held a livestream online for his 80th birthday, was wearing the same tie in his now deleted post taunting Arizona officials.

He was hosting a birthday party in Palm Beach, Fla., with nearly 75 guests when two officials with Mayes’s office served him around 11 p.m.


It’s so bizarre to think that he, nominally a lawyer, seems to have believed that treating the situation like a high stakes game of hide and seek would actually somehow end with the AG giving up and dropping the whole thing. “Ah, dangit! Rudy made it to the monkey bars! Guess we lost, gang…lets go play kickball instead.”


Rudy has been living in Lala-Land MAGA-Land for a while now. Where reality is what you want it to be.



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That’s one hell of a birthday present! “You’ve been served a piece of birthday cake … and these court papers.”

I like to imagine a process server making their entrance like this:

“You’ve been served, you oily nosferatu-lookin’ motherfucker!”

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