Rules for Regulars

It ain’t. It’s a meta game. And just like all games it really doesn’t matter if you “win”, it matters if you have fun. But sometimes I can channel my inner game balance nerd :smiley:


It (belatedly) occurs to me that one of the things that keeps me out of Regularity is that I often read more BBS posts on my phone (while in bed, for example) than I do on my computer, but I never log in on my phone (so if I suddenly get the urge to post, I gotta fire up the laptop). And the reason behind this is kinda embarrassing: I have no idea what my login password is. I told my computer’s browser to remember it over three years ago, and for at least two and a half of those years, I’ve been hoping I don’t get logged out, because I’ll be damned if I can remember my login.


I may have a BBS only account I dunno but I have this login tied to my gmail. Which good/bad but one less password to remember.


It’s a lot harder now with 3x likes. I manage every now and then though and almost always in the mornings… like I have been asleep away for 8 hours how the hell does that work…


I look at BBS via phone exclusively. Every so many days, I clear my cache, cookies, etc., so I have to log back in. I’ve made sure to have my phone remember my password because I’m so damn lazy.:neutral_face:


I should log in on my phone, if only so I get credited for articles read. I’ll probably still never (or rarely) post anything on my phone. I’m too fat-thumbed and impatient. Plus all my good GIFs are on my laptop.


I’m not entirely sure but I think I lost regular status at some point. I’m not sure if that was because I was offline for a few days in a row during Passover or because I’ve not been reading a ton of threads because either I’m not interested in the content that day or because I figure I already know who will be posting and what they will say and I dont want to get into a pointless argument.


I keep some on my phone, but sometimes it can be difficult to upload a gif on my phone. I just tried to upload one about 20 minutes ago for @Melizmatic, but my phone wasn’t cooperating. (I went emoji instead.)

Anyway, I think of you as a regular. And that’s more important, right?


Never sought out a badge (other than ‘read guidelines’)…
It seems that for the most part, those that were granted regular status back in July '14, are those who always show up in almost every thread. For myself, I just happen to practice zero new items and since I typically am using the BBS as a palate cleanser between projects, I don’t often have time to pontificate on a subject.
If your previous habits led to regular status, why would one change those habits in an effort to maintain status? Seems like a case of misaligned priorities…


The badges are based on giving out 50 likes in a day, not reaching your limit.


If you don’t mind sleeping in the powder magazine.


Can’t you look at the browser’s saved passwords? When I forget to store one in Passpack that’s what I do.

I’m only crazy, no love needed. Where’s my “Crazy with crazy” badge?


######(but seriously, I want a crazy badge too.)


I’ll confess, I was a little surprised last year when work commitments stopped me visiting for a month, and @jlw came over in person with my “Cold Turkey” badge.


Have you tried the forgot password thing? :slight_smile:


I dunno. I’ve never tried. I’m almost afraid to try to figure out how to do it. Lemme see…

Hmm. How 'bout that, it worked. Of course, for a second I froze up and couldn’t remember my Windows password, but then remembered that I’d just entered it when I woke my computer up literally two minutes ago.



Hadn’t tried it yet, because I hadn’t really needed to yet. But I expect it works fine. :slight_smile:

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It does. Maybe too well. I tried to lock myself out by changing my password to something random and then realized I don’t really have to do any* sort of authentication to have it reset.

*Aside from having access to my email.

Aside from having access to my email.

Yeah… email is our golden master key, if people have access to your gmail
password it is going to be disasta pasta.