I don’t know if she’s got any inclination, but seeing her take a run at the top job in a few years time wouldn’t be the worst thing, ya know?
I don’t understand why they don’t get their planes and shit grounded when they try to extract their crime bosses.
Because that would be an “attack on Christianity”.
I’d just call it bringing child rapists to justice. Seriously, how can any tithe-paying catholic square the idea that they’re being a good person with the fact that they’re giving money to an organization that is still currently actively shielding child rapists from justice?
Most Catholics have a major disdain for Catholics.
Meh; it’s only a theory.
But it is, in theory, part of their remit.
Yeah, I checked the small print on the wrapper and it warns ‘may contain nuts’.
Well… Only if it’s a non-consensual stabbing.
(those damn amoral libruls!)
Consent is one thing; orders of magnitude, another
Not just a theory - it’s LAW
You can do anything as long as there’s consent between all participating factions? Yeah… that’s kind of the point?
Roald Dahl, Man from the south.
LOL, great, seen it before, but in this context very good.
ETA: Now I wonder how many times I’m misunderstood with my cripple English. But peeps, I don’t want to cook with you. Erh, use you for cooking, erh, leave it. Anybody in for a bite?
Less than you might think.
Some of the words you choose are not the ones that I would choose, but they are often an improvement over mine.
It’s the same with euthanasia. Why is it so important to everyone that I have consent?
But who is going to be forced to carry out the horrible act on these guys? Won’t somebody think of the Rapists?!
If less people did that during pregnancy, there might be fewer Trump supporters.