Rush Limbaugh, noted epidemiologist: "The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

I mean…

Most of the party seems committed to lying, so…


If he thinks that coronavirus is just the common cold, I’d invite him to go catch it, but I think I know what his response would be like.


Whoops! Clarified.


Please tell me that it’s working! That would be great.

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I guess that makes lung cancer a cough, eh, Rush?


Just die already Rush. The world doesn’t need you around.


I doubt Rush knows a coronavirus from a corona beer. I will eat my hat if he has a clue about the common viral etiologies of “common cold.” This is about defusing a possible Trump weakness. And the faux news fans will buy it whole.


In all fairness, smallpox and pertussis are still pretty terrifying.


a lot of common colds are corona virus, but not all corona virus is the common cold.
same as
ignorant idiots are always conservative, but not all conservatives are ignorant idiots.

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Go ahead and downvote me into oblivion, but I wish death upon no individual - even Rush or Trump. Every human deserves respect and dignity even if they themselves never give it. Giving into hate feeds their business model of turning us against each other for their personal gain. I wish for them to find sanity and common sense… and it’s a long shot I know.

I also wish for the end of poverty and world peace (Too bad I’ll never have to looks to use that line in a beauty pageant).


Suddenly the mascot with an extremely long nose makes sense.


The guy is already terminal. Death is an inevitability in the immediate future. I just want it a little sooner than he does. :slight_smile:


You folks just don’t understand Rush. He’s a comedian, a satirist. His shows are all a joke, if you “get it.” And if you don’t your probably just a femnaziSJW.

But for real Rush: the best protection against the Coronavirus is smoking cigars. 20-40 a day. Do that, and you won’t have top worry about a virus.

“The coronavirus is being weaponised to bring down Donald Trump” sounds like a dispatch from a universe that managed to be even scarier than this one. Germ warfare in the White House? Yikes.

Sadly, rather than a interdimensional communique, it’s just right-wing bloviating.

Can’t this guy ever, just once, blunder into a correct opinion, if even by mistake?
I mean, he doesn’t have much time left.

He’s a definite glory hole afficionado

Belly to the bar, amiright?

You seem to be assuming that
he can get the one thing past that other thing.

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Did he ever finish his due diligence about the Lord’s Resistance Army?

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