Russian military disinformation online is making Americans go nuts, QAnon edition

If this thread has taught me anything then that QAnon is really bad Protocols of the Elders of Zion fanfiction.


I’d omit the word “conservative” from there. Leftists have historically been unfortunately willing to blame the Jews for the ills of capitalism.


True, but I always found it to be bizarre that they did.

Marx, Luxemburg, Goldman and Berkman were all Jewish, as were parts of the labour movement. I’d blame Marxism-Leninism but I would be concerned about overlooking antisemitism in other areas of the left if I only did that (most notably Bakunin and Proudhon, although their theories are easy to separate from their bigotry).


Where was the cabal when we really needed it; Jamaica Estates Queens in the late 1940’s.

While Jonestown may be a bad example, there are cases of cults where followers willingly commit suicide. Marshall Applewhite and Heaven’s Gate (circa 1997) spring immediately to mind. No guns there, they committed mass suicide over a period of four days, with the last group of cultists helping Applewhite commit suicide first, before killing themselves afterward.


Meanwhile Peter Thiel is actually is looking to parasite on young people’s blood.

It’s always projection. Which tells you what’s really going on with kids and the far right.


There is some truth in that, but they also hate other groups of people en masse. When Trump calls Mexicans rapists and drug traffickers, or Republicans demonize the poor as “takers,” or say anyone to the left of them is “Marxist” and has evil designs on the country, then they’re engaging in other hateful prejudices. Even the Nazis, although they had anti-Semitism front and center in their ideology, enthusiastically went after political opponents (Communists in particular), homosexuals, Roma, and other out-of-favor groups.

Including those promulgated by right-wing Jews themselves. This is why ultra-orthodox fantasists go to great lengths to distinguish between “good Jews” (like themselves, natch) and “bad Jews” (more liberal ones). This is one of Ben Shapiro’s specialities.


Of soft filters like in Soap Operas! :laughing:


Right wingers control the executive, senate, courts, [almost] all the federal agencies, most states, and [except for the cities] most local governments. Right wingers hold almost all the power right now. How could they be feeling powerless?

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Right, the absurdity of “Frank’s” end game solution really makes me question if this story is part of the disinformation campaign.


I’ve previously mentioned how this film was post-war propaganda for within the Army (when they integrated IIRC), but also how it’s as timely as ever, and I’ll take what I can get.


If he’s not already injecting then what explains this weirdo?


And thank you for goysplaining my history and culture to me!
“Well, yes, Jews have been traditionally hated and oppressed all over the West in ways and to an extent for a duration that nobody else has, but let’s move on and explain that other people have had it hard, too. All Lives Matter.”

It’s not bizarre when you remember that Europeans, Americans, and people in the Muslim world are Europeans, Americans, and people in the Muslim world. While the particular political ideology and economic theories might change the prejudices and phobias come in at a more basic emotional level. If you grew up being told that Jews or Black people or Siciliani are bad, then if you decide fascism or communism or trade unionism are good things you will still probably believe that Jews and Black people and Siciliani are bad.

A look at the Labor movement in the US provides an object lesson. You would think (you would think) that if you were building a movement based on Worker Solidarity to oppose the power of Capital that the important thing would be to get all the workers united in the interests of the Working Class. That’s not how it played out in the US. The Labor movement spent a lot of time and energy excluding Black people and keeping them out of the Unions. They also, incidentally, spent a huge amount of money over the years fighting against Labor movements overseas that the US government considered too friendly to Socialism.


They’re about as open as you can get for a conspiracy cult that claims not to be white nationalist.

QDrop 998 is just straight up an antisemitic image cribbed from the dolchstoßlegende of Nazi Germany.


How about a three strikes rule where people are moved to a different network if they’re not able to function as rational people on the Internet? It would be cruel to let children or the elderly to walk along a busy highway. Eventually we’ll have to provide a safe place for a small minority of people that aren’t capable of taking care of themselves. Like an Internet 3 with just Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, etc. No facebook, youtube, twitter, etc. Probably not even CNN/FOX/etc, that might be too stressful for some to face.

It’s the same reason that many white Christians believe they are the most oppressed people on Earth - if they don’t have utter domination with zero push-back, they’re somehow oppressed.

Also plenty of people are legitimately feeling powerless right now. The right’s political domination of the US government hasn’t translated into a tangible benefit for the working class. Blaming it on the boogeyman left is preferable to having your ideology unmasked as a shell game. The economy that was barely working for them anyway has tanked, everyone’s isolated, social division in the west is greater than it’s been for 50 years, and if you’re in the US they may have to decide between medical treatment and bankruptcy.


The rank-and-file, average-Joe, mom-and-pop, next-door-neighbor Republicans literally have no power, except for cheering on the people they’ve put in power. The Republicans in power hate government and seek to undermine it, so… they also, kind of, don’t have power (except to destroy). They have no idea how to govern, because their ethos is not about governing, it’s about having people toady up to you, destroying all shreds of government or social services, and making money.

Plus, grievance is a core Republican value. They define themselves by how wronged they are, and how everyone hates them and is against them. So feeling powerless is just a way to continue feeling wronged by their enemies. If literally every Republican enemy dropped off the face of the earth – all us minorities and libtard snowflakes – they’d still feel angry and powerless because of… the mess we left behind? And of course, they’d just find new enemies to hate. It would be RINOs, or Republicans who were once related to minorities and libtard snowflakes, or Republicans who somehow weren’t as foaming-at-the-mouth upset over the latest grievance.

Compare with the Salem (and other) witch trials, where you have a society of white Christians with a single-party government, turning on each other and killing each other. And they felt powerless in the face of Satan and his minions. And the powerless in the face of an unexplored wilderness. And powerless in the face of all their sinning neighbors.


Saying that non-anonymously is probably a good way to have CPS knocking at your door.

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