Russian Navy vs. Somali pirates


  1. Asia - 17,139,445 square miles = VERY VERY VERY FUCKING LARGE
  2. Africa - 11,677,239 square miles = VERY VERY LARGE
  3. North America - 9,361,791 square miles = VERY LARGE
  4. South America - 6,880,706 square miles = LARGE
  5. Antarctica - About 5,500,000 square miles = STILL PRETTY DAMN BIG (AND COLD)
  6. Europe - 3,997,929 square miles = A BIT ON THE SMALLISH SIDE ALL THINGS CONSIDERED
  7. Australia - 2,967,909 square miles = SMALL BUT VERY BIG FOR AN ISLAND, FAIR DINKUM
  8. Zealandia - 1,900,000 sq mi = SMALL, BUT IT COUNTS, DAMMIT.

There is already a Chinese documentary on the process. Empire of Dust. Worth watching.

For those worried about the occupants, it is unlikely that there are any. The normal thing is to seize the occupants, then search their boats for evidence, then sink the boats in deep water. since it is a low risk situation, it allows for live fire training.
It is fun!

And I also suspect that a lot of that money somehow gets deflected into the coffers of the ruling classes.

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Often to protect donor countries mining investments, etc., and the police/military “aid” goes to donor country military industrial mercenary complex.


I sense an upcoming Michael Bay movie.

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If the EU and other countries hadn’t stolen all the fish, it wouldn’t be.


Murderporn. Yay.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

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I had read previously that the poor sods were living the full on dystopian cyberpunk nightmare, with a country torn apart by civil war, unable to defend its natural resources (especially fisheries), and fucked over by powerful outside forces.

However, reading the nations Wikipedia page gives rather a different impressions; especially calling in to question the claims of 100% unemployment. According to the ever reliable CIA :wink: it appears that Somalia has a thriving, none-cash economy, with a large grey market, though there also seems to be a fair amount of investment and industry.

It might be that the massively high unemployment is in certain industries, particularly fishermen, who have apparently had their stocks depleted by rapacious international fishing fleets and have access to boats.

So basically, fuck knows what is actually going on.

Pretty sure they were mostly dead after all that gunfire.

Yeah, it was a pretty depressing snuff film.

Thank goodness, even if not true, i choose to believe this over the aweful alternative.

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…and for the quick fire round were the somali pirates quaking more than the camera shake…
my thoughts are the russian navy needs to upgrade their technology
for capturing images or just not bother

also worth mentioning that passing cargo ships have taken advantage of Somalias complete lack of government and coastal patrol by dumping garbage, sewage, and waste into the water Somalis fish in.

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That’s what I was thinking too. It looks like it’s spraying everywhere. Could it be that it’s tilting up as it recoils, which strings out the shots vertically? But it doesn’t make too much sense that it would move the ship around. Maybe the barrel or mounting is flexing somewhat as it fires? I was surprised by the spread on it.

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