Russian police seize Putin, Medvedev painting

From previous totalitarian regimes, there’s the Brezhnev-Honecker kiss:

Strange world, in Spanish “Putin” and “Putito” are offensive terms, both literally mean “little faggot”. So there’s a wordplay here: Who would have thought that the putin would be the most macho?

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Medvedev wearing a painter’s hat and holding up an old style pallet on an easel, painting as the police lead Putin away of handcuffs!

Duh! :grinning:

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In Soviet Russia, effect Streisands YOU!


It’s a bit more Machiavellian than that. In content, this was a political cartoon anathema of the public image Putin aggressively cultivates. His public image has taken a life of its’ own and now demands that he crush such vulgar representations of itself, The State. Hence Pussy Riot, among many, many others.

That was . . . that was beautiful.

wipes away tears

“with no explanation”…

Is an explanation needed? Who wouldn’t want this piece over their fireplace? It’s fabulous!

Perhaps by the time the third or fourth reproduction is retrieved by the Police, a large enough crowd of reporters and bloggers reporting their every move to millions of other people may give them pause for thought.

And that thought will surely be; “We’ll need the bloody riot squad when we come back for the next one.”

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