Saddest mugshot ever

“Teal and Orange” (or “Orange and Teal”) is a movie meme.

Police mugshots are part of public record? And we’re amused hypocrites! :wink:

Seriously - the guy refused to leave the drive through? So what? It’s not like these restaurants fence off the drive through and parking lot when they close. I am sure they could have ignored him and closed shop just the same.

The regular indoor part of a Taco Bell usually closes well before the drive through, and the drive-through window won’t serve you if you’re biking or on foot. I don’t know why. Customer safety issue? But you’re already there, standing in the drive-through lane. They might as well go ahead and serve you at that point. Or just leave the indoors open to begin with, it’s not like employees are that much safer behind an open pane of glass.

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