Samantha Bee warns that Florida Governor Ron Desantis is a Trump 2.0 presidential threat

Originally published at: Samantha Bee warns that Florida Governor Ron Desantis is a Trump 2.0 presidential threat | Boing Boing


Naw, to have the same reality distortion field you have to believe your own lies. He is just aping Trump to see if it works for him too.


Two… no three, things to assure this @#$ isn’t a significant threat:

  1. Fight like mad for the ease/right to vote in every state
  2. Convince the Democrats not to do anything overtly stupid (like run an inexplicably controversial candidate)
  3. As much as possible secure the voting process ((mail-in) paper @#$n ballots people!)

Accomplish these things and desantis will stay a floridaman


If it does, he’ll start.


Nah, he’s just a bad imitation of Trump. As long as the real Trump is still out there, his fans will recognize DeSantis as just another imitator. Why go for him if they can have the real thing? Besides, I just don’t see him having fans of his own who aren’t trumpers.

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From Pandemic to Endemic: A Step by Step Guide for Aspiring Autocrats ~ Ron DeSantis, foreword by Kristi Noem, Brian Kemp, and Doug Doocy

Coming soon from Stormfront Books

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