It should also be noted that one of the hot spots for the modern conservative movement was in Orange county CA, just north of San Diego Co… The John Birch Society got quite a few supporters among suburban house wives there in the 50s and 60s, for example. There’s no reason to believe there wasn’t some serious overlap between such groups.
@Wanderfound’s post above is spot on, but plenty of people still want to believe white supremacy is a problem of lack of education, when it’s an ideology hard-baked into our founding. It’s always been a nation-wide problem and remains so.
Definitely not a lack of education thing but more of a “I got mine and fuck anyone that wants a piece too” which is generally directed at the other (aka minorities)*. For example the Oculus Rift inventor and media darling Palmer Luckey is one such pile of garbage
*Comment not directed at you in particular, i’m sure you know all this. Its meant as a general post to the BBS