San Francisco high-school students stage a mass walkout in protest of Trump

Speaking strictly anecdotally, I did hear a guy marching down Market Street shouting extremely vile epithets in support of Trump on Wednesday.

Oh dear lord you are about to eat those words. They are weak? They OWN the White House, the House, the Senate and will position the Supreme Court (depending on how long the liberal justices can cling to life) for possibly the next 30-40 years and you say they are weak? Time to stop pulling tubes for a bit.

I want to know why the people who are so mad are not marching to the DNC and burning the building to the ground? They were hiding under their desks after this election and are SO glad everyone is mad at the other 60 million people and Trump for winning instead of being mad at the DNC, Hillary and the tens of millions of people who didn’t vote, for losing.
There is absolutely no “well but” either. “Well but the popular vote”. The popular vote doesn’t even win a cookie. By the rules of the game it was a slaughter. The Democratic Party is in serious trouble and people are rioting in Portland because they want people to feel like their city is an inclusive, loving place. Yeah, it sounds lovely. I’ll be right there.
The sooner people get over the walk outs, the vandalism, the petitions, applying all the “isms” and “phobics” to literally half the electorate (which is really racist with all the phobic trappings), blaming Facebook, Fox, God (all of them) the sooner they can figure out how to actually win an election.
Republicans have been adding, adding, adding every election. That’s coming out of someone’s ass. Sorry but saying they are weak is delusional and it’s that point the finger mentality that has landed the Democratic Party where it is. On life support and someone is about to trip over the cord because they are not paying attention.
Trump will take office. No petition, safety pin, or riot will stop it. Time to stop dreaming of closed hotels and a sea of people with their backs turned on Inauguration Day. The democrats can’t even impeach him because they’ve been too busy losing the House and Senste. The electoral college will vote the will of the people of their state.
The only hope and I mean ONLY hope is that people get their heads out of their collective asses. Accept responsibility for losing miserably. Stop listening to polls and start listening to the people with a pair of brand new democratic ears.
They need a JFK. Someone young, good looking, (sorry but true) quick on their feet, have a conservative fiscal record, socially moderate, male or female candidate who won’t tear down progress made and be able to work both sides of the aisle. Whoever has that candidate will clean up an election and take whatever party with them.
Whew. Done.

People didn’t vote for the Republicans, they voted against the establishment, as represented by the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party. The Democratic leadership held back reform during the primary, and would only have maintained the status quo for another four years, while bringing us closer to war with Russia. Frustration has reached a boiling point, and if they managed to keep the lid on it in 2016, it would only have boiled over in the form of a Republican wave in subsequent elections.

As much I despise Trump and his supporters, his victory was an act of creative destruction that opens the door for the progressive wing of the Democratic party to take control of the DNC and lead the charge for reform in the backlash that his cruel and disgraceful administration is certain to provoke. For eight years they’ve thrived as an opposition party, channeling the nation’s discontent into base obstructionism without enacting any substantive policies of their own. Now their most extreme elements are in full control of the government (and in total ownership of the nation’s problems) and they feel emboldened to expose their true agenda in all its shit-stained glory. Good. Let the people have what they wished for. Let them set the stage for the rest of us to answer their barbarism with inspiring displays of courage and integrity.

Yes, it sucks that they control the government right now (especially if we lose a liberal justice), but my point is that they’ve captured territory they can’t defend. They’re not going to become more popular with Donald Trump at their helm. His base is going to erode as he sells out to the establishment, and those who voted for him as the lesser of two evils are going to find out just how evil that really is.

We didn’t abolish slavery without a civil war. We didn’t get the New Deal without the Great Depression. Progress is born of turmoil, and turmoil is what we’re experiencing right now. It’s going to hurt like hell, but you know what? You don’t build muscle without pain.

Instead of looking forward to the Republicans enlarging their majority in 2018 and taking the White House in 2020, we might be looking at a President Elizabeth Warren presiding over a Democratic Congress in four years, with all the moral support of a traumatized and beleaguered nation. I spent 2016 worrying about Donald Trump on a daily, then hourly basis. Now that it’s happened, I’m actually pretty excited about the future.


Here’s the thing: Trump is the masthead. Bigotry, xenophobia, imperialism, fear and hatred are the planks cladding the ship he’s mounted himself on. It’s easy to be optimistic when you tune out and discount those voices, or ridicule their influence over the People. But this isn’t an anomaly. This is the sweep of history. Occasionally in history people have rallied against their Fall. But more often, they look outward to find easier enemies on the horizon, while apathy at home erodes their better angels from within.

These students may be slightly naive. But they’re taking action. And even a symbolic action is infinitely stronger than dissidents who curl up in their bubble and hope for the storm to pass their door by. Tens of millions of Americans, the people that ship is running down, don’t have the option to wait it out. They can’t just “do themselves” as history steamrolls over their homes and lives. If you abandon them the way the Left habitually abandons them, don’t be surprised when there’s no help for you and yours tomorrow.

Pro-tip: the Monster in this song isn’t Trump or those like him or even Vietnam; it’s the apathy they all feed on…


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