Santorum Christmas movie flops

Tax writeoff, anyone?

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Iā€™m not sure I have one with the hand rubbing, but I can certainly find one with some dancingā€¦Perhaps no. 9 can help us out here:

maybe Jay and Bob?:

Edited to add: Snoogins!


Thank you!

I just realized how hypnotic the jay and bob one isā€¦ @_@


There is an annual . . . pulse? trickle? surgelet? . . . of wholesome cinematic Christmas glurge.

It is usually shown on the Hallmark channels, but ABC Family shows some. Maybe those obscure ā€œwomenā€™s channelsā€ as well.

Dreadful stuff, often with some treacly romantic plot. Like Santaā€™s son and heir apparent looking for love before stepping into the old manā€™s boots. Or Santaā€™s daughter and heir trying to prove she can fill his boots and also looking for love.

So, Santorumā€™s bomb will have a home. Keep an eye out for it next year!


THE Doctor. Accept no substitutes.


It needs a review describing it as ā€˜delightfully frothyā€™.


Take that back about A Christmas Story! I triple-dog-dare ya!

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Yeahā€¦ I have to agree with that. Whenever I think of the Doctor, itā€™s Tom Baker that first comes to mind, no matter who is currently in the Tardis (or which Doctor weā€™re watching). Although, no. 2 has his charmsā€¦ ā€œoh my word!!!ā€


My brother sports that very haircut. Heā€™s a big Who fan.

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Heā€™s apparently quite a hands-on producer. They say that Candle has Santorum all over it (which probably explains why it stinks).


Iā€™d like a copy on Beta with an extra helping of naughty parts edited in.


I totally should get Zoeā€™s hair cutā€¦

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Hey now, Iā€™m an old Jean Shepherd fan. I actually saw A Christmas Story in its tiny theatrical run!

The kind of movie Iā€™m talking about is leaden, sentimental, and predictable. Hallmark is starting to run them even now. Surf with caution!


The only ā€˜TRUEā€™ Christmas movie in IMHO. The Hallmark movies always make me want to reach for insulin when I am finished watching them.


I saw a Christmas TV movie once that I liked. ā€œA Christmas to Remember,ā€ set during the Depression. Real gritty and laid back. A city kid is sent to live with elderly relatives on a farm. The couple barely tolerates him, and have some reason to not celebrate Christmas. Ends with a wild journey to drag a small organ through a blizzard to Midnight Mass.

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Did he also vote to kill Brian the dog?

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Not photoshopped. Actual photo from the winter before Torrance took over, when the sewer main burst and flooded the elevator shafts. That would be why the last caretaker quit.


Spoilersā€¦ SPOILERS!!!

But Brian was a godless heathenā€¦

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No kidding - Iā€™ve been watching this two hours and counting.

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