With due respect, the accusation, “suggests death penalty for Dem leadership” is a mischaracterization.
She is saying, “Treason is an offense punishable my death.”
** U.S. history has zero cases where “accusing of treason” was punished by death.
What would happen if the press simply stopped attending Sanders’ infrequent briefings? Use the time istead to conduct some real investigative journalism into this kakocracy and ignore the lies and propaganda that the press in turn parrots? There is no value added for the press to pay any attention to this clown and the circus she represents.
There are plenty of opportunities to call out Sanders crazy talk. In this case you’re misinterpreting her as discussed in previous replies. The responsible thing to do would be to update or take down this post.
You were reading it wrong. You were meant to take it the other way. However, if you play the video and listen to what she says then you’ll realize you were actually right. Also, her Today Show interview which The Hill also reported on.
Also, when I played the video the last line is muted. It looks like she says “That’s punishable by death in this country [and that’s what they]” One way or the other, that deleted line might clear things up.
Trump always goes in alone, with only a translator.
He make the translator destroy his contemporaneous notes.
He never reports, even to his staff, what he said.
No American leader in history does this, even with friendly countries.
Trump has done this with Putin 5 times.
part of me has always wondered if this is just trump driving trollies. ( “i know what will really make them angry.” ) which is a general problem ( and point, probably ) of driving trollies. no one can distinguish between obnoxious and evil.
I believe you read it correctly (inasmuch as you read what Sanders was actually saying). However, you were expected to read it as her saying that the Democratic leadership should be out too death (hence the headline). So in that sense, you read it wrong.
I think it’s being deliberately misinterpreted. Although I’m intrigued by the theory that she is so quick on her feet (and Republicans are such agile thinkers) that she’s tacking on secret double meanings to her words.
Given that that’s the former Mayor of Toronto’s furniture store (not the crack smoking one, a different one) and he’s Jewish… I seriously doubt that that’s the WP sign. Also, they’ve been doing that shtick with the okay signs for at least 20 years. Not saying he wasn’t a conservative racist asshole, but this isn’t the WP sign.
I’m not going to be satisfied until I get to see Obama beat the living shit out of Trump with Biden recording the whole thing smiling and screaming WORLDSTAR!