Satanists offer "good taste" monument to complement Oklahoma Capitol's Ten Commandments monument

[quote=“doctorow, post:1, topic:16196”]
Satanists offer “good taste” monument[/quote]

I don’t think they are proposing to build a tribute to the concept of good taste; the word you’re looking for here is “tasteful”.

Um, ya, hence the ‘no matter how tenuous’
In the US, the American Taliban/Fox News devotees tend to view them as the mouthpiece of their international fundamentalist competition

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I believe you have won the internet for today.


Salt-based tribute to Sodom?


Ah I see! I missed the joke.

I thought it was YOU that made that false assumption - I’m following now :slight_smile:

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I agree with paragraph one. But at the time of independence, a majority of the colonies had official religions, and these persisted for generations - the bill of rights didn’t yet apply to the states. Rhode Island started as a place of religious freedom by a guy MA banished for his religious views.

Their equivalence to Satan?


Yup great idea. Also there have been calls for a ‘lick-able’ statue. This fulfills that desire. We can call it a ‘salt lick’. All those animals, I mean politicians can use it.

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I think this etching by Goya would make the basis for a good sculpture to go next to the 10 commandments.

The sleep of Reason Produces Monsters


The inscription reads:

“the sleep of reason produces monsters”

How apt.

LUCIEN GREAVES. Of course the temple spokesman is named Lucien Greaves. What a great Satanic spokesperson name.

I’m guessing he changed it from Herbert Wallander or something similar though.

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Herbert Priestly

I say let’s get every faith involved. Ask people from around the world to donate statues, totems, altars… whatever inspires them religiously, and “install” them right alongside/around the 10 Commandments. Make the front lawn of the OK Capitol look like a religious museum, or better yet, a junkyard.


I was thinking that they’re all (Mickey Mouse, Ayn Rand, and Satan-as-imagined-by-Satanists) really quite silly and childish, despite various desperate attempts to imbue them with gravitas.

Crosses. Nothing but crosses.

While they’re spinning around the Festivus pole.

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