Scenes from a vegan hot dog eating contest

I was really hoping to see photos of either blue-skinned aliens, or blue-skinned hot dogs, from Vega.

Or maybe some Vogons. Hot dog poetry slam, anyone?


Donā€™t forget the Mace/Nutmeg, otherwise itā€™s just a sausage.

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Right, letā€™s contact the international academy of english so they can put a memorandum on the term. Letā€™s just hope they arenā€™t too tied up on the color/colour debate thatā€™s been raging forever.

Not trashy enough for your tabloids.

Itā€™s why I put ā€˜healthfulā€™ in quotes. Low fat is a very questionable guideline.

As all vegans will tell you: for a careful adult without pertinent disorders, the only big challenge for vegans is B-12. It does take some planning, however. As I said elsewhere, my best takeaway from my time as a vegan was a better understanding of the principles of nutrition, which enrich my life even now as an omnivore.

I agree that itā€™s safer not to risk a vegan diet for children or gestation. I would not try it, nor would I want to raise a child with someone who would.

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iā€™ve also known many veg*ns (i hate that abbreviation but it is efficient) who grew up in a meat-eating household but gave it up at a very young age out of disinterest, not necessarily for moral reasons. incidentally, theyā€™ve all been female, but my sample size is small, so i donā€™t know if thatā€™s actually significant.

the popularity of meatish dishes at restaurants is interesting. when i was vegan, iā€™d snarf them up even though, yeah, they were usually pretty mediocre. i guess the american sentiment that ā€œpaying for vegetables is stupidā€ persists even for vegetarians!

and, yeah, many vegan restaurants are terrible, thatā€™s why i said ā€œgood vegan restaurant.ā€ :wink:


Oh yeah, you definitely donā€™t want to get medical issues if you are Vegan. My bosses wife was a vegan that contracted cancer. When she went on chemo she got a big list of things she couldnā€™t eat, including tofu and some kinds of beans.

Thatā€™s a serious limitation when youā€™re Vegan.

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Commentor skeptical of WHO cites Menā€™s Health as information sourceā€¦

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i would agree with you if you were to also exclude caseless hot dogs from the category. theyā€™re insipid. unfortunately, far from this, they are currently the normal hot dog at least in the US.

meat smashed into intestines. accept no substitute.

Itā€™s not the same without the hog anus.

If youā€™re diet excludes Honey because itā€™s animal slavery, then itā€™s really not about diet anymore.

Thatā€™s not universal. Iā€™ve been through two different chemos and no such thing was ever mentioned to me or anyone going through it at the same time. In fact, the responses I have gotten from surgeons to oncos to radiation oncos to endocrinologists have all be very PRO-veg*n diet and wish more of their patients would switch to them, at least during treatment.

I feel sorry for anyone who hasnā€™t eaten great-tasting vegan food; it can be wonderfully delicious!

Sure, homemade anything is always way better, but you can get a decent burger just about anywhere.

Well, yes, on the other hand, soā€™s a steak so you donā€™t get anywhere with that comment :smile:

I realized It seems Iā€™m attacking you somehow.

Iā€™ve tried great vegetarian and vegan food, and its, of course, great!
Iā€™ve always suspected, and mind you, Iā€™m only half serious here, that anything thatā€™s MARKETED as vegan/healthy is primarily concerned with that as its primary identity and they are not competing in the market place for best flavor since thatā€™s not what gets you a sale.

A good example is the breakfast cereal aisle in the supermarket, you can sell flavorless flakes alongside cocoa puffs because you realize you are being told that you are making a tradeoff between flavor and health. (However dubious that trade really is)

In other words, if someone comes up with a great tasting vegan hotdog, its probably going to be marketed as a meatless dog, with ā€œveganā€ scribbled somewhere in fine print.

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Well yes, of course, any pro vegan discussion that attempts to describe veganism as superior to being an omnivore (which is different from a meat-eater, a straw man if there ever was one) is doomed unless youā€™re willing to lie, to yourself and to others.
The ethical approach has more traction but the philosophical position is unassailable.

Anyway, to each his own.

pure gluten is all the rage these days, people canā€™t get enough gluten in their diets. oh and soy? those sausages are pure health in a tube! :slight_smile:

actually it is the lecithin which is not a protein.

I agree! This is very true. I canā€™t get enough veg in my diet and it can so often be delicious with just a little effort, zuccini on the grill are delicious.

Thread winner!!!

I was vegan for over 9 years, it was the worst thing I ever did to my health, and I ate healthier then most vegans, none of that pre-packaged crap. The few times I tried vegan hot dogs I almost puked they were so nasty.

Most long term vegans look really sallow and depleted, if you want to see people that look really healthy check out the paleo diet! :slight_smile: (i know this last statement will get some comment haters, but iā€™ve never eaten a diet that made me feel like I was getting more nutrition and health.)

Especially when youā€™re making sausages.

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