Originally published at: School locks 11-year-old Texan boy in solitary after he asks for grief counseling | Boing Boing
The state does allow children as young as 10 to be arrested and criminally charged
The abuse factories have been a lucrative sideline for many Texas judges and officials.
Not surprised. I really hope the principal and the superintendent get the axe.
Related. A friend whose wife worked in HR for [redacted] school district until recently here in TX and there is an unbelievable amount of corruption and shady shit going on. Still waiting for something to happen and come out to light.
i hope there is a lawsuit incoming on that district.
Time and time again, we are confronted with the reality that somewhere in the USA, it’s still 1832, and absurd tales of abuse take place that rival anything from a Dickens novel.
Cruelty is the point for these folks
The damage to this child is already done. We need to stop relying on lawsuits to fix our stupid country…
Christ on a bike.
I know TX is a shit hole, but this is just wrong.
At no point did an adult sane person go “ya know… this doesn’t seem right”
Or “let’s double check this”
But that’s how fascism works I guess.
This makes me unbelievably angry.
Everyone that is being taxed at this school district will pay for the lawsuit at the end of the day if the district pays out, and the people being hit should be the principal and the superintendent
Sure, agreed, but we should not have to do that. We should not have to worry that our children are going to be abused when we send them to school… What kind of a fucked up world have we built…
ok… how do you propose we fix a school administration from making these kinds of mistakes? i’m all ears for practical working solutions, but i’m also realistic in how can anyone control let alone predict these actions? maybe the viral coverage will result in a higher authority pressing some sort of charges against the prinicpal, but that isn’t a good solution either as it isn’t preventative.
in the meantime, i’m all for using the number one tool available for this kind of behavoir: litigation.
It looks like the judge stepped in, and got the mother involved, and put a stop to this particular cruelty. I read the story, and the child was transferred to the school where his old guidance counselor and principal now work. He’s back on track and prepping to get into the gifted and talented program again. grumble mumble fucking asshats fucking texas fucking fucks grreeaahhh…
Grrr ! Grr!
Having trouble deciding whether articles like these are intended as meaningful calls to (peaceful and thoughtful) action, or just clickbait-anger-triggers.
Will take a breath and assume the former.
Either way the stupid makes me angry!
Oh, now Texas cares about COVID?
Are you kidding? In Texas, that’s grounds for promotion.
Governor material right there
We could stop electing fascists?
In an age where we have kids punching teachers, bringing guns to school and bullying others the kid who merely asks for clarification on the uniform policy is not the problem.
Unless the principal can provide the actual text of the threats and have the student that informed him of the threats make a statement on the record, I hope he gets charged with filing a false police report.
And then the principal and superintendent get sued directly (along with the school district) for their bullshit.