Science offices throughout U.S. government closing under Trump at alarming rate

The smug libertarian ethos seems to be, “Well I don’t know where all this money goes so let’s get rid of it”. maybe check first guys

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I think it’s more evil than that, personally.

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:stuck_out_tongue: just being cheeky really. I think he really falls most accurately as a Turdist? Maybe with Doodooian tendencies.

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An Orangista, for sure.

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So which is worse, having the positions vacant, or having them filled by the people Trump is likely to appoint?


Great, though depressing, question. It doesn’t look good for science.

Edit: This sis supposed to be a reply to @TheyCallMeMrPibb above. Somehow I missed.

Someone’s going to get a talking to about the 15% that slipped through.

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I recall a quip about Tramp appointing pizza delivery guys to undersecretary positions. Of course not - they ain’t rich enough. But there should be enough connected White Boys around to fill vacant DoJ and DoE temp jobs.

Whose interests are served by the destruction of US science?

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The best question.

Corporate interests would be my final answer.

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For all that Harper and Trump have completely different styles, they both had the same handbook.

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Interests of US national enemies would be my answer.

I think those two answers may converge more than we know.


Our very own dark age.

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Will our future look like Heinlein’s FRIDAY, with geographic states broken apart and corporate states waging hot wars? Will your Alphabet or Apple ID be more powerful than a national passport? How will the US be dismembered?

I was thinking about this recently, and decided that the free market does in fact produce efficient outcomes…as long as you consider people to be an expendable currency…

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Meanwhile, Trump officials gut DC staff as public lands agency preps to move out West. If ya can’t fire-em, just ship-em off to the boonies.

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How are your roads? I see their condition as a harbinger of deeper chaos. Why can’t we get fiber everywhere? The corps are already waging econ war against the citizenry: demanding lower taxes (even though most pay no taxes), chopping jobs, etc. There is a certain balkanization taking place in the political map already:

2004 - The “Jesusland v United States Of Canada” map (some states may have changed hands in 15 years, or become purple)

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