“Teenage Mutant Vicious Hamsters,
Teenage Mutant Vicious Hamsters.
Teenage Mutant Vicious Hamsters.
Hamster with a mean streak, Hamster power!”
Came to check for that - left satisfied.
Also @thomdunn, that’s not how ‘regale’ is used.
The scientists may have recounted their journey or regaled us with a tale about it. They did not regale the journey.
(Yes, I have a Pedant Pendant.)
I think that the release should be localized to the area of Putin’s underpants.
Hamsters are mighty territorial already.
They only attack if you approach them, or back away from them, or circle-strafe them, or move crabwise, or it you look at them, or if you don’t look at them; especially if you don’t look at them.
They’re the yellowjackets of the rodent world, really. Just kind of assholes.
“One time my cousin Walter…”
I can’t quite figure out why this story is making such a big splash. I guess it’s because it’s about angry hamsters?
Research with genetically modified lab rodents is going on all the time, sometimes with unexpected results. That’s how science works—ya gotta test things, and often you learn more when results are different than predicted but in interesting ways. SO MANY life-saving drugs and therapies have come out of experiments that “failed” in a similar fashion to this one.
I mean, they DID get pretty solid confirmation that the molecule they were looking at is involved in the behaviors of interest; they just learned that it’s involved rather differently than they predicted.
Also: pedantic correction. They did not (as it says in the post) remove the hormone. They deleted one of its several receptors. This often has very different effects from deleting a hormone.
We really don’t know what we’re doing, do we?
Well, I’m not trying to make a ravening hamster army.
That is a very specific denial.
I guess if one was going to put together a real-life Pokémon animal fighting tournament then “weaponized hamster” is one of relatively few vicious creatures that could comfortably fit inside one of those balls.
Nope, not just you.
I “rescued” a pair from a neighbor kid going off to college, and they were the meanest little shits I’ve ever had as pets. Never could pet them, they tried to bite whenever I opened the cage, which made feeding and cleaning NOT fun. I ended a bad relationship shortly before acquiring them, and they were amazingly efficient paper shredders of all the letters we had exchanged though—I’ll give them that.
Also, Kiddo has a friend with 5 or 6 of the little beasts, and every one of them is mean.
move crabwise
To be fair if anyone moves crabwise around me I’m probably going to hit them