Will raise you with the first band I got to go see live:
a Scarlet T
A chicken dinner is on its way.
Also liked “Scott Atlas is quitting to spend more time with the virus”
Another one bites the (Cheeto) dust…
Herd immunity is just a fancy way of saying “letting millions of people die to prop up the economy.”
Being described as a “highly controversial” member of Trump’s Virus Taskforce must take some doing.
They all have a mark on their permanent record, and I guess it might block them from some of the most respected positions in society. But most of these people would previously have struggled to get work at Hobby Lobby on their merits. So, “barred from some corporate board memberships” is a huge promotion.
if that was in the middle of the road, think of all the trucks that could have been saved.
Wrong thread on multiple counts?
This and one of the tweets quoted are grinding my gears… herd immunity is actually great. It’s how immunodeficient people can not get immunized for measles and (most likely) never have to worry about getting the measles. It’s how vaccines work in a public health context.
What doesn’t work is herd immunity without a vaccine. In order to achieve herd immunity without a vaccine, you need to expose a significant portion of the population to the disease, have them overcome it; effectively using the live virus as a vaccine.
Even then, there will STILL probably be waves of reinfection as new generations are exposed (like chicken pox was before the vaccine was developed in the 90’s).
That was creepy. So the Von Trapp kids didn’t quite make it over the Swiss border.
How weird. I thought I’d posted it on the Utah Monolith Vanishes thread. This is a bit embarrassing
I’ve done that before… thought I was posting in one, then ended up posting in another… happens to the best of us!
I shall leave it here as a monument to hubris; and because I’m not certain how to move it. Maybe it will vanish overnight.
Mistake or no, I’m going to go on thinking it was intentionally posted here and find a way to make sense of it.
Laibach can make anything creepy. And think Goebbels’ kids…
“Taking medical advice from a Hoover fellow is NOT suggested.”
Hoover kooks like Atlas and Richard “Covid deaths will only hit 500” Epstein giving medical and public health advice outside of their supposed fields of expertise is also not “suggested.”
The unwillingness of Hoover to do anything serious about their kooks makes it clear they are not a serious institution. Epstein essentially staked his supposed reputation as an expert in analyzing data and knew that epidemiologists were wrong. He’s a law professor. It turns out the epidemiologists were vastly better at data than he is, and his incompetence was obvious by March.
At best Hoover and Stanford have issued statements that they are shocked – SHOCKED! – that the people they endorsed might stray so far. What could possibly explain it? Who could know?
Anyone reading his messed up economic analysis would know. But Hoover doesn’t want to enforce academic rigor on its hacks, Stanford wants the cash and thinks it can benefit politically from its deal with the devil, and as a result they let the kooks run wild.
The governance at Hoover is broken. They cannot run themselves as a serious place. And their unfitness is seeping into Stanford all the way up to their President. Universities think they can mumble the abracadabra of “Academic Freedom” to dodge any serious debate about the unfitness of right ring ideologues in academia, but they are overdue for some serious thinking.
You’re just a fountainhead of puns today.
Which anyone who understands economics would know does the opposite. “Let’s grow the economy by removing millions of consumers” said no economist, ever.