Scott Pruitt quits EPA after corruption exposed by staffers. His resignation letter to Trump is bonkers

The letter is so bonkers because Pruitt-type ‘Christians’ are just itching for the (booming voice) “Second Coming”. Whatever they can do to hasten the end-of-days only means they’re that much closer to Jesus. THAT’S why his so-called accomplishments are lauded by that crowd. THAT’S why his service was such a ‘blessing’. Idk if the new guy is as literally hell-bent in his personal dogma, but regardless, it doesn’t look like he understands what he should be protecting either.


Ah, do we really have to use that word? It’s trouble. Every country person has his or her own take on it. For some it means strange and eccentric and kind of mysterious […] And for others “fly over” conjures up those awful memories of adolescent suffering […] Well, yes, “country” is great. It has its place. But when a lot of farmers and housewives wake up in the morning we feel angry and disgusted, not country. So we’ve chosen to call ourselves fly-over Americans. Using “fly over” is a way of reminding us how we are perceived by the rest of the world.


All these religious nuts love them some Trump…which is interesting. I have read the bible quite a few times and I do not recall ever seeing Jesus say “grab them by the pussy, just move on them like a bitch.” or those passages from Matthew about “I can shoot someone in the street and still get elected” or those Luke and Paul scriptures about “nasty women” and “shit-hole countries”.

very moral high ground.


My take:

They have been poisoned against Democrats to the level that anyone who isn’t a Democrat can’t possibly be bad. They would literally vote in the Anti-Christ at this point.

Note - this doesn’t apply to all Christians (I consider myself a Christian reservist), not does one have to be Christian to have this identical view.

The communist term was “useful idiot”.


I think they might have in 2016.


Yep, I’ve known Christians like that when I was a fundie that thought that Christ would never come until we messed up the Earth so badly to force the Anti-Christ to appear. These folks scared me even then, they should be treated with caution as many are willing to do just that for their beliefs.


I have to wonder what they’re reading thinking it’s the Bible. 'Cause every copy of the Bible I’ve looked through says pretty much the opposite of what they’re claiming. For example, we’re supposed to be stewards of the land, taking care of it. Not laying waste to it.


I’m not confused at all by that paragraph. He’s basically playing the religion card to the nth degree, so being pressured out of office can be seen as due to religious intolerance.

The real heap of crazy is that anyone can think Trump is evidence of god’s blessing.


The truth about his resignation letter with all the talk of “service”…It’s a cookbook!

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At least he knows to lie about that. It would never have occurred to him to write “I’m so proud to have loyally served the coal mining industry” because he knows that’s wrong. He doesn’t even know he doesn’t work for the president! It hasn’t even occurred to him to lie about it!


Scott, Trump is not the Emperor of Mankind and you are not one of those Spacema errrr SpaceForce Primarchs, not even close.

Relax, take a vacation in california, get som recreational weed … and pull your head out of the orange guinea pigs behind. You quit, its a resignation letter and not an Jobinterview with the Spacepope himself (Bob be praised).


I believe the term you’re looking for here is Evangelicals.

But, but, Jesus! He’s waiting! It’s rude to keep someone waiting!


I prefer the blanket shorthand term “Xtianists” myself. It both makes a distinction from Christians (including some evangelicals) who do try to adhere to the progressive precepts of the religion while also reflecting the fact that Pruitt and his ilk (including ultramontane Catholics and the shriveled husks running the LDS Church in addition to the Prosperity Gospel hucksters and Falwell-style Evangelicals) belong more to a right-wing political movement than they do to a religious one.


I see it as buttering up Trump because it has always worked in the past. Suck up and shit down only gets you SO far. Of course now he’ll get a very well paid job as a lobbyist for some energy company. One of them will give him his reward, and they are going to deserve the hell of putting up with his inflated ego and narcissism.


The American people are the Trump-brand used mattress. Very used.

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Yeah, it’s amazing how these screaming christofascist wackos can combine their corruption with JESUS.


Sounded more like a Renfield worshiping his master vampire. He definitely had Trump’s balls firmly in his mouth, you could almost hear the “POP!” when he pulled them out. I think he’s seriously hurting, thinking that he won’t get to give Drumpf another rim job very soon, so he’s lining things up for afterwards. On a positive note, maybe they can enjoy each other later as cell-mates.


So now he’s trying to blame God for allowing despicable shitheads to have positions of power?
