Scott Pruitt quits EPA after corruption exposed by staffers. His resignation letter to Trump is bonkers

The most dangerous thing in the letter is that he thinks the EPA administrator serves the President, rather than the country.


Though I’m pretty sure this letter is meant to secure the presidential pardon he’s inevitably going to need.


The more one mentions god in a government missive, given the supposed separation of church and state, the more that motherfucker is lying and is guilty as sin of all that the afore-mentioned motherfucker is accused of.


I can understand that paragraph but only because I’ve spent time around the particular cultural strain of conservative evangelical Christian that talks like that. It’s like level 12 christianeese. I’m positive trump couldn’t understand it. Probably didn’t read any of the letter anyways.


My money has always been on Pence for the finale… for better or worse… cries tears of mirth

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what are the chances


thats’ where he’s lying, because he knows he serves the industries he is supposed to be regulating.


Prosecutors should follow Mueller’s example, and file state charges.




We appreciate your sacrifice.


OMG (figuratively), after reading that letter, I totally get this guy. You call it “bonkers,” but it’s an effective survival strategy for people like him. I grew up around rich “Christian” kids. This bullshit comes as naturally as breathing to them. You do whatever you want, string it out as long as you can, then when you’re finally cornered, you get all smarmy, obsequious and filled with Jesus to someone in authority to try to get yourself off the hook. And it wouldn’t be a thing if it didn’t work often enough to be a thing.

Pruitt isn’t a malevolent mastermind. He’s a spoiled child who has managed to become an old man without ever once being held responsible for his infantile narcissism. He still ought to be thrown under the jail, but he’s also just completely pathetic. Nobody that age should be writing a letter like that.

He’s buttering Trump up in anticipation of needing a pardon, and Trump’s exactly the rich, weak pushover parent to give it to him.


All of them, I think.

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Misread this initially as “whiteness worship” and realize it didn’t actually change anything.


it’s a win. deal with it.

as 45 himself has proven, the person in charge matters. put them up there, and let’s knock them down.

well, we don’t want to impeach trump because we’re oh so scared of pence means only that we’re fine with evil.

get rid of each bad and mini-bad in turn. work towards something better.


Yea, if you want proof of why they never should have gotten any power, just read that thing.

Somebody willing to put their signature in that public blow job has no inner decency or respect - just greed and willingness to do whatever it takes


He’s not the most linear thinker, is he?

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It is too bad that Pruitt will never face prosecution for his varied crimes. The falsification of official records (his schedule) should be good for at least a bit of jail time.


That resignation letter is some high-grade groveling ass-kissing.

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Dear @Auld_Lang_Syne,

This is Scott Pruitt. I have been blessed with the responsibility of minding Faffenreffer’s profile while he is away on spiritual retreat.

You will probably notice a few changes to his account in coming weeks. I believe unsupervised, left-leaning internet commentary is the work of The Devil, and once my soundproof, hermetically sealed terminal has been installed, I will be working to repudiate the satanic, laissez faire positions of the Faffenreffer administration. Freedom of Enterprise exalts the Lord in Heaven, Freedom of Speech, not so much. My good friend Aijit Pai has promised to connect me to highly-placed, well-funded, righteous seekers of truth at AT&T and the FCC who can aid me in my crusade to reform this nest of vipers you call a BBS.

While I am working to silence dissent and bind free speech, I will be continuing my war on the environment. I have had a coal burning generator installed in Faffenreffer’s back yard and am using it to power this laptop right now. I have cut a deal with the DOD to store their PFAS waste under the azaleas, and another deal with monsanto to test herbicides over by the bird feeder. Mrs. Faffenreffer kicked up a bit of a fuss over those initiatives, but Secretary Nielsen assures me that very soon, there will be no more squawking from that quarter.

I’ve got to go now, there’s a hive of honey bees that I want to poison this morning, but it’s been wonderful chatting with you! I feel invigorated by this new opportunity to serve, and by the new vistas for transformative work that are opening up. I pray that I can continue to enjoy God’s providence as I dismantle His Creation and endeavor to snuff out the embers of independent thought, wheresoever they may be! Bless and Godspeed you @Auld_Lang_Syne, and fret not if, in coming days, you feel someone lurking just out of your line of sight, taking notes on your every move. That’s just me, keeping an eye on you for your own good.

Your Faithful New Friend,
Scott Pruitt