Sean "Diddy" Combs complains about how unpleasant New York's jails are

(And just to be clear, I am not in any way accusing the women he abused of debasing themselves. I mean those around him who were willing to lower themselves in many ways, all to feel some glimmer of his celebrity rub off on them for a moment.)

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Golly Sean, it must be awful to feel trapped in an unpleasant setting where you have little control over your life and are in constant fear of your physical safety.

(Which is not to say there is any excuse for prisoner abuse or the general state of American detention facilities)


I’m not huge into rap and hip hop so i never gave him much attention, and there never really seemed to be anything particularly interesting about him like other artists in those genres. What really made things click for me was finding out a few months ago where his nickname came from:

Combs said he was given the nickname “Puff” as a child, because he would “huff and puff” when he was angry

And i had also read an article at that time talking about how all of his life he had been a fairly violent guy, it’s a wonder it never meaningfully caught up to him until the last year or so.


Well, as of 2 years ago, Forbes estimated his net worth at about $1 billion.

Imagine you’re a savvy, wealthy guy who advertised growing up in Harlem (Diddy’s father was killed when he was three, after which his mother moved them family to suburban Mt. Vernon, NY) and being part of the tough inner city scene. Now imagine that, with hard work and savvy business decisions, you become amazingly wealthy.

There’s a lot of cool stuff you could do.

You could lobby, or create multimedia enterprises aimed at prison and justice reform in America. I mean, that’s just one idea.

Or you could buy multiple mega mansions at the most prime real estate locations, and a $60 million private jet, and a $65 million superyacht. You could also rent a luxury yacht for $560,000 a week. You could buy a $2.6 million mansion in Atlanta, and then abandon it. You could spend $3 million on your own birthday party.

You can guess which path he followed.


He was operating under the mistaken idea that he was a pharaoh with a sunshade-bearer. I wonder if he also had servants at home with those long-handled ostrich feather fans?
…and that smile of his is fake AF.


There’s been theories that he is behind the killing of both Tupac and Biggie. Would love to see these murders being finally solved, especially if some people are more willing to talk than in the past.

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I watched some of that video in the link. From the footage, it seems he has difficulty walking past a mirror without mugging and checking how cool he looks.

Also: I read that he first got the nickname “Puffy” in high school, “because of his habit of puffing out his chest to make himself look bigger.”

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