Sean "Diddy" Combs complains about how unpleasant New York's jails are

Originally published at: Sean "Diddy" Combs complains about how unpleasant New York's jails are - Boing Boing


Do wah’, Diddy? Diddy? Dumb, Diddy. D’oh.


They should have locked him up after that dreadful Kashmir remake. He was probably already abusing people at that time.


I swore I heard Diddy died?

Tough titties Diddy!


I got a Diddy ditty.
Did he? Diddy?
Loves it all. He and she.
Dicks and titties
Went too far, ya see.

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You know what’s unpleasant?

Sex crimes.


how unpleasant New York’s jails are



complains about how unpleasant the jails are for him — nowhere to be seen for the decades that people have been asking for improved conditions


Yeah, if he’s in Rikers, it is a well-known abomination, even by US prison standards. But what also is an abomination is beating your girlfriend half to death on video and running a sex trafficking ring, so this isn’t going to keep me up at night. Maybe move all the other prisoners to a more humane facility and just leave him there.


That’s some real OJ energy right there. He must be extremely out of touch to be surprised by the conditions so many of his fellow incarcerated Black men suffer under.


There have been allegations about Puffy being an abusive predator since the 90’s.

There’s nothing “funny” or clever about this.


The only thing I can think about are all the women he abused.

May all their souls find peace, and may they all receive justice.


He and I agree on something?

WTH is so funny about beating your girlfriend half to death on video and running a sex trafficking ring? It’s certainly undeserving of that :laughing: emoji.


He has to stay in jail?



No. Combs only cares that he is experiencing hardship. If he were released today and never went back you’d never hear another word from him on the subject.

Wanting prison reform is entirely different. Combs complaining about it works against that goal, because him complaining about the conditions of his incarceration prompts one universal response: good.


It sucks when garbage people are right for the wrong reasons.

MDC Brooklyn isn’t cruel and inhumane for him, it’s cruel and inhumane for anyone confined there (many of whom haven’t been convicted of any crime yet). But, America being America, if we have to break a few eggs in order to punish the people we hate severely enough to satisfy our thirst for “justice,” then bad luck for those eggs.

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Last year, the NPR show “Fresh Air,” as part of a week-long celebration of 50 years of hip-hop, played a bunch of great interviews from their archives.

Well, mostly great. At the link, portions of interviews with Questlove, Chuck D, and Diddy. It’s a study in contrasts. Questlove’s and Chuck D’s interview segments are both fascinating, full of insights about music, culture, etc. But Diddy offers little insight other than, I saw some other guys who had a lot of money and power and great stuff, and I said to myself, I want that, so I worked damn hard to get it, Etm.

But then, Diddy wasn’t happy merely to be seen dressed in his hippest finery on the beach at St. Tropez. He had to publicize himself being photographed while strolling with his “Personal Umbrella Holder (PUH)”. First time I saw that was enough to convince me, “what a dick.”

I never saw anything to convince me otherwise, but it wasn’t clear until recently just how horrendous a dick he was.

Most saddening is how many people played along with this, and how big money convinces so many to debase themselves and to abuse and degrade others.